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  • 3 months later...

Hello there,

T:\space\space\webOS>ares-setup-device --listfull
        "name": "webOS_Emulator",
        "deviceinfo": {
            "ip": "",
            "port": "22",
            "user": "developer"
        "connection": "ssh",
        "details": {
            "privatekey": "webos_emul",
            "platform": "starfish",
            "files": "sftp",
            "description": ""

Your Port should be 22 not 6622 you need to edit this and then you can connect and deploy.

  • 1 year later...

i couldn't make it work with the port 22.

ares-install ERR! ares-install: Error: Please check the device IP address or port.

name      deviceinfo              connection  profile
--------  ----------------------  ----------  -------
emulator  [email protected]:23  ssh         tv


can you help me?

  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...


I am actually stuck at next part. ares-install fails after ssh connection with a time out error.  I have attached the details of the emulators., 

installer#waterfall callback err: Error: Timed out while waiting for handshake
    ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Timeout._onTimeout (/opt/webOS_TV_SDK/CLI/lib/node_modules/ares-webos-sdk/node_modules/ssh2/lib/client.js:695:19)
    ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at ontimeout (timers.js:386:11)
    ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:250:5)
    ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:214:5)
    ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:  { Error: Timed out while waiting for handshake
    ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Timeout._onTimeout (/opt/webOS_TV_SDK/CLI/lib/node_modules/ares-webos-sdk/node_modules/ssh2/lib/client.js:695:19)
    ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at ontimeout (timers.js:386:11)
    ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:250:5)
    ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:214:5) level: 'client-timeout' }
    ares-install info finish(): Error: Timed out while waiting for handshake
    ares-install info finish():     at Timeout._onTimeout (/opt/webOS_TV_SDK/CLI/lib/node_modules/ares-webos-sdk/node_modules/ssh2/lib/client.js:695:19)
    ares-install info finish():     at ontimeout (timers.js:386:11)
    ares-install info finish():     at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:250:5)
    ares-install info finish():     at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:214:5)
    ares-install info finish():  err: { Error: Timed out while waiting for handshake
    ares-install info finish():     at Timeout._onTimeout (/opt/webOS_TV_SDK/CLI/lib/node_modules/ares-webos-sdk/node_modules/ssh2/lib/client.js:695:19)
    ares-install info finish():     at ontimeout (timers.js:386:11)
    ares-install info finish():     at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:250:5)
    ares-install info finish():     at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:214:5) level: 'client-timeout' }
    ares-install ERR! ares-install: Error: Timed out while waiting for handshake 
    ares-install verb Error: Timed out while waiting for handshake



Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at 21.23.42.png

Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at 22.26.07.png

  • 9 months later...

Am stuck with same thing .

Changed port to 22 as suggested above . But still no help . 
i am using windows changed with  command  ares-setup-device
as suggested in page : 

link hidden, please login to view


Below are the commands i have used to run my first app :

SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\fDrive\Softwares\LGWebOS_SDK\ares-webos-cli\ares-cli\bin
ares-generate -t basic -p "{'id':'com.domain.app', 'version':'1.0.0', 'title':'First App'}" samples/projects/app
ares-package .

On install i get below errors : ares-install  com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk -d emulator -v  


ares-install verb argv { device: 'emulator',
ares-install verb argv   level: 'verbose',
ares-install verb argv   argv:
ares-install verb argv    { remain: [ 'com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk' ],
ares-install verb argv      cooked:
ares-install verb argv       [ 'com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk',
ares-install verb argv         '--device',
ares-install verb argv         'emulator',
ares-install verb argv         '--level',
ares-install verb argv         'verbose' ],
ares-install verb argv      original: [ 'com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk', '-d', 'emulator', '-v' ] } }
ares-install info install(): pkgPath: com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk
ares-install info installer#install(): installing com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk
ares-install info novacom.Session() opening session to 'emulator'
ares-install verb Resolver#load()
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_replaceBuiltinSshKey()
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString() devices: [ { order: '0',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     profile: 'ose',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     name: 'emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     type: 'starfish',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     description: 'LG webOS OSE Emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     host: '',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     port: 22,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     username: 'developer',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     privateKey: <Buffer 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 42 45 47 49 4e 20 52 53 41 20 50 52 49 56 41 54 45 20 4b 45 59 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a 4d 49 49 45 70 41 49 42 41 41 4b 43 41 51 45 41 30 4b ... >,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     files: 'stream',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     noPortForwarding: false,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     indelible: true,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     privateKeyName: 'webos_emul',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     display:
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()      { name: 'emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        type: 'starfish',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        privateKeyName: 'webos_emul',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        passphase: undefined,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        description: 'LG webOS OSE Emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        conn: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        devId: null,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        addr: 'ssh://[email protected]:22',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        order: '0',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        profile: 'ose',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        host: '',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        port: 22,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        username: 'developer',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        privateKey: <Buffer 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 42 45 47 49 4e 20 52 53 41 20 50 52 49 56 41 54 45 20 4b 45 59 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a 4d 49 49 45 70 41 49 42 41 41 4b 43 41 51 45 41 30 4b ... >,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        files: 'stream',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        noPortForwarding: false,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        indelible: true },
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     lunaSend: '/usr/bin/luna-send-pub',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     lunaAddr:
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()      { install: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        remove: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        list: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        launch: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        terminate: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        running: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        getStorageList: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        deviceInfo: [Object] } } ]
ares-install info Resolver#load() devices: [ { order: '0',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     profile: 'ose',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     name: 'emulator',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     type: 'starfish',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     description: 'LG webOS OSE Emulator',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     host: '',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     port: 22,
ares-install info Resolver#load()     username: 'developer',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     privateKey: <Buffer 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 42 45 47 49 4e 20 52 53 41 20 50 52 49 56 41 54 45 20 4b 45 59 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a 4d 49 49 45 70 41 49 42 41 41 4b 43 41 51 45 41 30 4b ... >,
ares-install info Resolver#load()     files: 'stream',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     noPortForwarding: false,
ares-install info Resolver#load()     indelible: true,
ares-install info Resolver#load()     privateKeyName: 'webos_emul',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     display:
ares-install info Resolver#load()      { name: 'emulator',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        type: 'starfish',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        privateKeyName: 'webos_emul',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        passphase: undefined,
ares-install info Resolver#load()        description: 'LG webOS OSE Emulator',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        conn: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        devId: null,
ares-install info Resolver#load()        addr: 'ssh://[email protected]:22',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        order: '0',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        profile: 'ose',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        host: '',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        port: 22,
ares-install info Resolver#load()        username: 'developer',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        privateKey: <Buffer 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 42 45 47 49 4e 20 52 53 41 20 50 52 49 56 41 54 45 20 4b 45 59 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a 4d 49 49 45 70 41 49 42 41 41 4b 43 41 51 45 41 30 4b ... >,
ares-install info Resolver#load()        files: 'stream',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        noPortForwarding: false,
ares-install info Resolver#load()        indelible: true },
ares-install info Resolver#load()     lunaSend: '/usr/bin/luna-send-pub',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     lunaAddr:
ares-install info Resolver#load()      { install: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        remove: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        list: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        launch: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        terminate: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        running: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        getStorageList: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        deviceInfo: [Object] } } ]
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy() key: name value: emulator
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy() devices: [ { order: '0',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     profile: 'ose',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     name: 'emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     type: 'starfish',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     description: 'LG webOS OSE Emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     host: '',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     port: 22,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     username: 'developer',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     privateKey: <Buffer 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 42 45 47 49 4e 20 52 53 41 20 50 52 49 56 41 54 45 20 4b 45 59 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a 4d 49 49 45 70 41 49 42 41 41 4b 43 41 51 45 41 30 4b ... >,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     files: 'stream',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     noPortForwarding: false,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     indelible: true,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     privateKeyName: 'webos_emul',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     display:
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()      { name: 'emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        type: 'starfish',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        privateKeyName: 'webos_emul',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        passphase: undefined,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        description: 'LG webOS OSE Emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        conn: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        devId: null,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        addr: 'ssh://[email protected]:22',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        order: '0',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        profile: 'ose',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        host: '',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        port: 22,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        username: 'developer',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        privateKey: <Buffer 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 42 45 47 49 4e 20 52 53 41 20 50 52 49 56 41 54 45 20 4b 45 59 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a 4d 49 49 45 70 41 49 42 41 41 4b 43 41 51 45 41 30 4b ... >,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        files: 'stream',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        noPortForwarding: false,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        indelible: true },
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     lunaSend: '/usr/bin/luna-send-pub',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     lunaAddr:
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()      { install: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        remove: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        list: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        launch: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        terminate: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        running: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        getStorageList: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        deviceInfo: [Object] } } ]
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err: Error: Please check the device IP address or port.
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Object.errMsgHdlr.changeErrMsg (C:\fDrive\Softwares\LGWebOS_SDK\ares-webos-cli\ares-cli\lib\base\error-handler.js:62:29)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Socket.<anonymous> (C:\fDrive\Softwares\LGWebOS_SDK\ares-webos-cli\ares-cli\lib\base\novacom.js:456:51)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at emitErrorNT (net.js:1281:8)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:  Error: Please check the device IP address or port.
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Object.errMsgHdlr.changeErrMsg (C:\fDrive\Softwares\LGWebOS_SDK\ares-webos-cli\ares-cli\lib\base\error-handler.js:62:29)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Socket.<anonymous> (C:\fDrive\Softwares\LGWebOS_SDK\ares-webos-cli\ares-cli\lib\base\novacom.js:456:51)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at emitErrorNT (net.js:1281:8)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)
ares-install info finish(): Error: Please check the device IP address or port.
ares-install info finish():     at Object.errMsgHdlr.changeErrMsg (C:\fDrive\Softwares\LGWebOS_SDK\ares-webos-cli\ares-cli\lib\base\error-handler.js:62:29)
ares-install info finish():     at Socket.<anonymous> (C:\fDrive\Softwares\LGWebOS_SDK\ares-webos-cli\ares-cli\lib\base\novacom.js:456:51)
ares-install info finish():     at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
ares-install info finish():     at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
ares-install info finish():     at emitErrorNT (net.js:1281:8)
ares-install info finish():     at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)
ares-install info finish():     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)
ares-install info finish():  err: Error: Please check the device IP address or port.
ares-install info finish():     at Object.errMsgHdlr.changeErrMsg (C:\fDrive\Softwares\LGWebOS_SDK\ares-webos-cli\ares-cli\lib\base\error-handler.js:62:29)
ares-install info finish():     at Socket.<anonymous> (C:\fDrive\Softwares\LGWebOS_SDK\ares-webos-cli\ares-cli\lib\base\novacom.js:456:51)
ares-install info finish():     at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
ares-install info finish():     at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
ares-install info finish():     at emitErrorNT (net.js:1281:8)
ares-install info finish():     at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)
ares-install info finish():     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)
ares-install ERR! ares-install: Error: Please check the device IP address or port.
ares-install verb Error: Please check the device IP address or port.
    at Object.errMsgHdlr.changeErrMsg (C:\fDrive\Softwares\LGWebOS_SDK\ares-webos-cli\ares-cli\lib\base\error-handler.js:62:29)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (C:\fDrive\Softwares\LGWebOS_SDK\ares-webos-cli\ares-cli\lib\base\novacom.js:456:51)
    at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
    at emitErrorNT (net.js:1281:8)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)

Is it required to run server ? 
what is the solution for this ?  

  • 5 months later...

when i try to install the app to the emulator it works fine but when i try to install the same app on the signage tv (webos) i get an error ares install failed,, can anyone here help me out, i can install the app to the tv in other way like exporting the app then installing it on the signage tv using remote option or using usb..kindly do help.. using the webos IDE it fails


24/01/20 4:00:37 pm : [Package] Creating package com.lg.app.signage_1.4.0_all.ipk in /var/www/html/iEvince/client/OutputIPK/client_Signage_TV
24/01/20 4:00:37 pm : [Package] Success
24/01/20 4:00:37 pm : [Install] Installing package /var/www/html/iEvince/client/OutputIPK/client_Signage_TV/com.lg.app.signage_1.4.0_all.ipk
24/01/20 4:00:39 pm: [Install] ares-install ERR! ares-install: install failed 

On 1/24/2020 at 10:31 AM, Sami Ullah said:

when i try to install the app to the emulator it works fine but when i try to install the same app on the signage tv (webos) i get an error ares install failed,, can anyone here help me out, i can install the app to the tv in other way like exporting the app then installing it on the signage tv using remote option or using usb..kindly do help.. using the webos IDE it fails


24/01/20 4:00:37 pm : [Package] Creating package com.lg.app.signage_1.4.0_all.ipk in /var/www/html/iEvince/client/OutputIPK/client_Signage_TV
24/01/20 4:00:37 pm : [Package] Success
24/01/20 4:00:37 pm : [Install] Installing package /var/www/html/iEvince/client/OutputIPK/client_Signage_TV/com.lg.app.signage_1.4.0_all.ipk
24/01/20 4:00:39 pm: [Install] ares-install ERR! ares-install: install failed 

I have the same problem.

  • 1 year later...

Hi all,

i have a same problem, when I run

ares-install com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk -d emulator -v

it is failed to

ares-install verb argv { device: 'emulator',
ares-install verb argv   level: 'verbose',
ares-install verb argv   argv: 
ares-install verb argv    { remain: [ 'com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk' ],
ares-install verb argv      cooked: 
ares-install verb argv       [ 'com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk',
ares-install verb argv         '--device',
ares-install verb argv         'emulator',
ares-install verb argv         '--level',
ares-install verb argv         'verbose' ],
ares-install verb argv      original: [ 'com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk', '-d', 'emulator', '-v' ] } }
ares-install info install(): pkgPath: com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk
ares-install info installer#install(): installing com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk
ares-install info novacom.Session() opening session to 'emulator'
ares-install verb Resolver#load() 
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_replaceBuiltinSshKey() 
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString() devices: [ { order: '0',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     profile: 'tv',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     name: 'emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     type: 'starfish',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     description: 'LG webOS TV Emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     host: '',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     port: 22,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     username: 'developer',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     files: 'stream',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     noPortForwarding: false,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     indelible: true,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     password: 'test',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     privateKeyName: undefined,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     privateKey: undefined,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     display: 
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()      { name: 'emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        type: 'starfish',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        privateKeyName: undefined,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        passphase: undefined,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        description: 'LG webOS TV Emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        conn: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        devId: null,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        addr: 'ssh://[email protected]:22',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        order: '0',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        profile: 'tv',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        host: '',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        port: 22,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        username: 'developer',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        files: 'stream',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        noPortForwarding: false,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        indelible: true,
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        password: 'test',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        privateKey: undefined },
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     lunaSend: '/usr/bin/luna-send-pub',
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()     lunaAddr: 
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()      { install: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        remove: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        list: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        launch: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        terminate: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        running: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        getStorageList: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        deviceInfoSystem: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#load#_loadString()        deviceInfoConfig: [Object] } } ]
ares-install info Resolver#load() devices: [ { order: '0',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     profile: 'tv',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     name: 'emulator',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     type: 'starfish',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     description: 'LG webOS TV Emulator',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     host: '',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     port: 22,
ares-install info Resolver#load()     username: 'developer',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     files: 'stream',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     noPortForwarding: false,
ares-install info Resolver#load()     indelible: true,
ares-install info Resolver#load()     password: 'test',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     privateKeyName: undefined,
ares-install info Resolver#load()     privateKey: undefined,
ares-install info Resolver#load()     display: 
ares-install info Resolver#load()      { name: 'emulator',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        type: 'starfish',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        privateKeyName: undefined,
ares-install info Resolver#load()        passphase: undefined,
ares-install info Resolver#load()        description: 'LG webOS TV Emulator',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        conn: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        devId: null,
ares-install info Resolver#load()        addr: 'ssh://[email protected]:22',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        order: '0',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        profile: 'tv',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        host: '',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        port: 22,
ares-install info Resolver#load()        username: 'developer',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        files: 'stream',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        noPortForwarding: false,
ares-install info Resolver#load()        indelible: true,
ares-install info Resolver#load()        password: 'test',
ares-install info Resolver#load()        privateKey: undefined },
ares-install info Resolver#load()     lunaSend: '/usr/bin/luna-send-pub',
ares-install info Resolver#load()     lunaAddr: 
ares-install info Resolver#load()      { install: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        remove: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        list: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        launch: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        terminate: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        running: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        getStorageList: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        deviceInfoSystem: [Object],
ares-install info Resolver#load()        deviceInfoConfig: [Object] } } ]
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy() key: name value: emulator
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy() devices: [ { order: '0',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     profile: 'tv',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     name: 'emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     type: 'starfish',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     description: 'LG webOS TV Emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     host: '',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     port: 22,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     username: 'developer',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     files: 'stream',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     noPortForwarding: false,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     indelible: true,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     password: 'test',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     privateKeyName: undefined,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     privateKey: undefined,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     display: 
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()      { name: 'emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        type: 'starfish',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        privateKeyName: undefined,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        passphase: undefined,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        description: 'LG webOS TV Emulator',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        conn: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        devId: null,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        addr: 'ssh://[email protected]:22',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        order: '0',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        profile: 'tv',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        host: '',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        port: 22,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        username: 'developer',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        files: 'stream',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        noPortForwarding: false,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        indelible: true,
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        password: 'test',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        privateKey: undefined },
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     lunaSend: '/usr/bin/luna-send-pub',
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()     lunaAddr: 
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()      { install: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        remove: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        list: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        launch: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        terminate: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        running: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        getStorageList: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        deviceInfoSystem: [Object],
ares-install verb Resolver#getDeviceBy()        deviceInfoConfig: [Object] } } ]
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err: Error: Please check the device IP address or port.
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Error (native)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Object.c.changeErrMsg (/usr/local/share/webOS_TV_SDK/CLI/lib/base/error-handler.js:3:237)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Socket.<anonymous> (/usr/local/share/webOS_TV_SDK/CLI/lib/base/novacom.js:15:113)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at emitErrorNT (net.js:1281:8)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:  Error: Please check the device IP address or port.
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Error (native)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Object.c.changeErrMsg (/usr/local/share/webOS_TV_SDK/CLI/lib/base/error-handler.js:3:237)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Socket.<anonymous> (/usr/local/share/webOS_TV_SDK/CLI/lib/base/novacom.js:15:113)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at emitErrorNT (net.js:1281:8)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)
ares-install verb installer#waterfall callback err:     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)
ares-install info finish(): Error: Please check the device IP address or port.
ares-install info finish():     at Error (native)
ares-install info finish():     at Object.c.changeErrMsg (/usr/local/share/webOS_TV_SDK/CLI/lib/base/error-handler.js:3:237)
ares-install info finish():     at Socket.<anonymous> (/usr/local/share/webOS_TV_SDK/CLI/lib/base/novacom.js:15:113)
ares-install info finish():     at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
ares-install info finish():     at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
ares-install info finish():     at emitErrorNT (net.js:1281:8)
ares-install info finish():     at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)
ares-install info finish():     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)
ares-install info finish():  err: Error: Please check the device IP address or port.
ares-install info finish():     at Error (native)
ares-install info finish():     at Object.c.changeErrMsg (/usr/local/share/webOS_TV_SDK/CLI/lib/base/error-handler.js:3:237)
ares-install info finish():     at Socket.<anonymous> (/usr/local/share/webOS_TV_SDK/CLI/lib/base/novacom.js:15:113)
ares-install info finish():     at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
ares-install info finish():     at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
ares-install info finish():     at emitErrorNT (net.js:1281:8)
ares-install info finish():     at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)
ares-install info finish():     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)
ares-install ERR! ares-install: Error: Please check the device IP address or port. 
ares-install verb Error: Please check the device IP address or port.
    at Error (native)
    at Object.c.changeErrMsg (/usr/local/share/webOS_TV_SDK/CLI/lib/base/error-handler.js:3:237)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/usr/local/share/webOS_TV_SDK/CLI/lib/base/novacom.js:15:113)
    at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
    at emitErrorNT (net.js:1281:8)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9) 

have anybody any idea?

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    • By News Reporter
      With Advanced AI Features and Capabilities, 2025 LG gram Laptops Deliver
      Smarter, More Personalized Productivity Experiences

      SEOUL, Dec. 31, 2024 — LG Electronics (LG) is set to unveil its 2025 LG gram lineup, the company’s first on-device AI-powered laptops, at CES 2025 in January. The new lineup includes innovative models such as the gram Pro, gram Pro 2-in-1, gram and gram Book. Leveraging LG’s gram AI technology,1 the latest grams deliver state-of-the-art capabilities and stellar performance, harnessing large language models and personalized AI features to elevate the user experience – all while preserving the series’ iconic slim and lightweight design.
      Enhancing Productivity and Personalization with LG gram AI
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      The lineup also includes the new LG gram Pro (model 16Z90TS), the first Copilot+ PC in the gram series. Measuring just 0.49 inches thick and weighing 2.73 pounds, it delivers remarkable portability. Another highlight is the 16Z90TR, boasting a 16-inch display and an impressively light weight of only 2.64 pounds. As the lightest model in the 2025 gram Pro lineup, it exemplifies gram’s signature lightweight design while delivering powerful performance.
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      All new gram laptops support gram Link 2.0, an upgraded version of the gram Link feature first introduced last year. gram Link 2.0 facilitates seamless device connectivity across operating systems,2 allowing users to easily share content and transfer files with a diverse range of PC and mobile products, including iOS and Android-based smartphones. This feature also allows users to handle incoming phone calls directly on their gram laptops, minimizing workflow interruptions.
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      LG gram Pro 2-in-1 (16T90TP) LG gram Pro (17Z90TR) LG gram Pro (16Z90TS) LG gram Book (15U50T)
      Display Size 16-inch 17-inch 16-inch 15.6-inch Display  WQXGA+ (2,880 x 1,800) OLED WQXGA (2,560 x 1,600) LCD WQXGA (2,560 x 1,600) LCD FHD (1,920 x 1,080) LCD WQXGA (2,560 x 1,600) LCD Brightness (Typ.) OLED: 400nit 400nit 400nit 300nit LCD: 400nit Refresh Rate OLED: 48-120Hz (VRR) 31-144Hz (VRR) 31-144Hz (VRR) 60Hz LCD: 31-144Hz (VRR) Weight 3.08 lb 1,399g
      3.26 lb 1,479g
      2.73 lb 1,239g
      3.74 lb 1,700g
      Size 357.3 x 253.8 x 12.4 ~ 12.9mm
      379.4 x 265.4 x 14.4~15.8mm 357.7 x 251.6 x 12.4 ~ 12.8mm 359.8 x 237.8 x 18.9~19.4mm Battery 77Wh 90Wh 77Wh 51Wh Thermal Mega dual cooling system Fan cooling system CPU Intel® Core Ultra 7 processor / Intel® Core Ultra 5 processor Intel® Core Ultra 9 processor Intel® Core Ultra 7 processor
      Intel® Core Ultra 5 processor
      Intel® Core i5 processor GPU Intel® Arc graphics NVIDIA RTX4050 with GDDR6 6GB Intel® Arc graphics Intel® Xe® graphics Memory Max 32GB (LPDDR5X Max 8,400MHz, Dual Channel) Max 32GB (LPDDR5X Max 8,533MHz, Dual Channel) 8 / 16 DDR4 (Dual Channel, 3200MHz) Storage Dual SSD (M.2)  512GB / 1TB / 2TB (Gen4 NVMe) 1TB / 512GB / 256GB (NVMe) Audio HD Audio with Dolby Atmos Speakers Stereo Speaker (3.0W x2)
      Smart AMP (MAX 5W x2) Stereo Speaker (3.0W x4)
      Smart AMP (MAX) Stereo Speaker (3.0W x2) Smart AMP (MAX 5W x2)
      Stereo Speaker 1.5W x2 I/O Port 2x USB 3.2 Gen2 2x USB 4 Gen3x2 Type C (with Power Delivery, DisplayPort, Thunderbolt 4)
      HDMI 2.1 (4K@60Hz)
      1x USB 3.2 GEN1x1 1x USB 2.0
      2x USB3.2 GEN2x1, HDMI 2.1 (4K@60Hz)
      Software LG gram Chat LG gram Link
      LG Glance by Mirametrix®
      LG gram Link Webcam FHD Webcam + IR Camera with Webcam & Dual Mic. (face-recognition) HD Webcam w/privacy shutter
      # # #
      1 Availability of AI features may vary by model.
      2 The gram Link 2.0 supports devices running iOS and Android. The compatibility may vary depending on the device and operating system version.

      link hidden, please login to view
    • By ato53
      I have a new C4 TV.
      Here is the problem I am facing, as well as a suggestion for improvement.

      When you have an acoustic deficiency, it is much easier to use a headset (via bluetooth).
      But the only current option is to switch the sound to the internal speakers when you activate the bluetooth.
      It is still a shame to penalize other people who watch TV by no longer allowing the use of a good sound installation that you have (sound bar, ...) because a person needs an acoustic aid.
      Would it be possible to add this combination (optical output + bluetooth) to satisfy everyone?
      I add that I tried to place an optical splitter to combine the 2, however, there is a bug apparently because as soon as you turn off the headset, there is a white rectangle which probably indicates an error that appears very briefly but every few seconds, which makes TV viewing impossible.
      Thanks for the follow-up
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      I haven't searched this forum, but there has to be others who find that tv remote pointer to be extremely annoying. I'm actually surprised that we still can't turn that feature off. Having the cursor/pointer feature isn't even close to the importance of being able to shut off. I mean, how hard is to put one checkbox in the ui to toggle the feature on or off? It seems like a no-brainer, big bang for the buck change that many users would appreciate
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