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Hello everybody!

I have LB670 modeI  and I upgraded to 5.00.40. I use tv only for watching movies. But after update picture is much much worse. It is like totally different (worse) tv.  I wach bluray remuxes but I see artefacts everywhere. I tried to downgrade but after i accept "NSU upgrade" nothing happens. Please help!!


Hi guys,

I own the 60LA8600-TA (Australian Version).  Last week my TV did an automatic upgrade from the latest Netcast firmware 04.28.07 to the new WebOS firmware 04.29.01.


After this upgrade the TV could no longer play DLNA content via LG's player or Plex.  I came to this forum and found this downgrade procedure and it worked perfectly except for one thing, My TV was permanently upside down.

After resetting the unit and fiddling around a bit I could not flip it back so I tried another firmware downgrade.  This is where things got far worse.  I must of, in my haste, Selected a foreign firmware.  Upon flashing to this firmware my TV is now in what I assume is Hebrew language (indistinguishable characters) :-(


I promptly downloaded the latest AU firmware again and tried to flash back.  But now the TV will no longer find an update via the original method on this site :-( Just says what I assume is no update found.

After a lot of research I managed to use the Android LG Service Remote App with a Galaxy S5's IR blaster to get into the service menu and flip the TV back to the correct orientation by turning off mirror mode.  I also read that a Factory In_Stop may revert to factory firmware but the app does not have that function.


Basically I just need to flash back to AU firmware and all will be well.  This is the current In_Dump from my set:

I have created a clone of the original HE_DTV_NC4H_AFAAABAA I used to downgrade my set, to this new Model NM HE_DTV_NC4H_AFAAAIAA but the TV does not see the firmware or local host for some unknown reason.  The TV simply shows no update available and the acrylicconsole on my PC is showing the TV pinging the standard servers that I have forwarded to my internal static IP.

Can anyone help me out with this one?

Any help is greatly appreciated.



Hi guys,

I own the 60LA8600-TA (Australian Version).  Last week my TV did an automatic upgrade from the latest Netcast firmware 04.28.07 to the new WebOS firmware 04.29.01.


After this upgrade the TV could no longer play DLNA content via LG's player or Plex.  I came to this forum and found this downgrade procedure and it worked perfectly except for one thing, My TV was permanently upside down.

After resetting the unit and fiddling around a bit I could not flip it back so I tried another firmware downgrade.  This is where things got far worse.  I must of, in my haste, Selected a foreign firmware.  Upon flashing to this firmware my TV is now in what I assume is Hebrew language (indistinguishable characters) :-(


I promptly downloaded the latest AU firmware again and tried to flash back.  But now the TV will no longer find an update via the original method on this site :-( Just says what I assume is no update found.

After a lot of research I managed to use the Android LG Service Remote App with a Galaxy S5's IR blaster to get into the service menu and flip the TV back to the correct orientation by turning off mirror mode.  I also read that a Factory In_Stop may revert to factory firmware but the app does not have that function.


Basically I just need to flash back to AU firmware and all will be well.  This is the current In_Dump from my set:


I have created a clone of the original HE_DTV_NC4H_AFAAABAA I used to downgrade my set, to this new Model NM HE_DTV_NC4H_AFAAAIAA but the TV does not see the firmware or local host for some unknown reason.  The TV simply shows no update available and the acrylicconsole on my PC is showing the TV pinging the standard servers that I have forwarded to my internal static IP.

Can anyone help me out with this one?

Any help is greatly appreciated.





Sorry I forgot to add what the new file I added to the Dir contains:


<GMT>11 Jun 2015 08:58:13 GMT</GMT>

So I tried SMX's version of the downgrade and the TV actually picked up the update from my PC this time... Problem is, after the update got to 100% and said completed, rebooting.  The TV now turns on, Shows the LG Logo then goes to a grey/black screen and does nothing else indefinitely :-(


I'm assuming the motherboard has now been bricked?

I currently have it off at the wall draining to see if it will recover but i highly doubt it, I used the original OEM firmware epk that worked perfectly days earlier too which is what really throws me.

I followed this to the letter:

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Simon,

Thanks a lot for all your help and patience. Thanks to the method @hepmisafir found, I believe that I will finally be able to downgrade my dumb TV :)


Hi mtuna,


any chance you write detailed tutorial, I'm heaving trouble downgrading my 49UF8507 with both options but I fail at both of them...


So I tried SMX's version of the downgrade and the TV actually picked up the update from my PC this time... Problem is, after the update got to 100% and said completed, rebooting. The TV now turns on, Shows the LG Logo then goes to a grey/black screen and does nothing else indefinitely :-(

I'm assuming the motherboard has now been bricked?

I currently have it off at the wall draining to see if it will recover but i highly doubt it, I used the original OEM firmware epk that worked perfectly days earlier too which is what really throws me.

I followed this to the letter:

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It's not possible to flash all updates safely. The TV does *NO check*.

Essentially, what you need to do is flash a Full Firmware to avoid a brick.

Full firmwares (we could also call them milestones) are epks that ship all the partitions bundled in.

On the other hand, Partial Firmwares only ship SOME of the partitions.

The problem is that while new partial updates are designed to work on older partitions, new partitions don't expect an older version of other partitions to be flashed, and may act weirdly, crash, or just do nothing at all.

How to know if the firmware you're going to flash is good? The only true way would be to extract the EPK and check it out...but there's a trick

You can perform the following steps to get an EPK that should be good to go and safe:

-> Dump the TV NSU Request

-> Modify the reported firmware version to be something older than you currently have. You may set it to be older than the first released version (in some cases you can get the first version ever released by doing that, or the first milestone). Or you can incrementally reduce the version until you pick an update. My recommendation would be start from a low MINOR, but with the same MAJOR, so that you don't get another partial update.

-> Send this modified NSU Request to LG (i have a tool that i may polish up and release for this task)

-> Copy the CDN Url, download the epk on your PC, and spoof/serve it with NSU_EMU

ALSO check the size of the epk file. A small epk file is unlikely to be a full upgrade.


Now unfortunately, about your brick, there's not much you can do. Your only hope to get it fixed is to try and get serial working, but at your current situation you would need to disassemble the TV, and i'm not completely sure about the recovery procedure in case you get a working connection. I DO have a theory, but i never worked with a bricked WebOS device and someone willing to take a closer look..yet ;)

Hope this post can be helpful to others.

@SIMON: You should add this as a warning


P.S. About the NSU_EMU rewrite i had in progress...i'm lacking time lately, and my main PC has been out of service for a while. I need to get some time and reorganize my storage space before i can get going again.

  • Like 1
  • 4 weeks later...



1. Download LgDTVUpDater [ 

link hidden, please login to view
 |  ] Updated 19 OCT 2015

2. Unrar and put LgDTVUpDater folder in C:\

3. Open C:\LgDTVUpDater\dns\AcrylicHosts.txt

4. Change with your 

5. Save and exit

6. Go back to C:\LgDTVUpDater folder

7. Run startDNS.bat and don´t close it

8. Run startHTTP.bat and don´t close it

9. Go to TV Menu > Network Settings > Ethernet/WiFi > Edit > Uncheck Set Automatically > Change DNS IP to your local IP address > Connect

10. Go to General > About This TV > Check For Updates

11. Accept downgrade to the first firmware TV

12. Restart TV

13. Back to TV Menu > Network Settings > Ethernet/WiFi > Edit > Check Set Automatically

14. Go to General > About This TV > Check For Updates and follow TV instructions OR download available Software_File dedicated for your TV, unrar and put *.epk file in LG_DTV folder at USB stick

15. Mount USB stick to USB port at your TV then accept upgrade when message prompt on the screen

16. Restart TV and follow TV instructions


For best performances go to TV Menu > General > Reset to Initial Settings



Voila!  ;)






If your attempt to downgrade your TV with LgDTVUpDater for some reason was not successful, you can try to use tool prepared by SMX.

Everything you need - NSU Emu by SMX and how to use it - you can found .

just updated useing windows 10 i had to turn off my firewall and follow this guide to use apach.exe

1. Run Command Prompt and type services.msc > Enter

2. Scroll To World Wide Web Publishing Service. Note that the Status should say that it is Running.

3. Double Click on that row. Change the Startup type from Automatic to Manual. Next, click on Stop to stop the WWWPS service.


* Don’t worry, unless you’re running some software that depends on the Microsoft IIS Web Server, you should be fine.

4. Now, try to start Apache again.



now i am on 05.00.70 with my LG49UB850V


thanks Simon

  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...
Hello, I'm from Brazil.


I'm having problems with the downgrade, my version is now on 05.00.70 with my LG49UB850, I need the version 04.62.43.


The versions the package not work for my tv, the version what showing on package is 04.62.46.


Who can help-me?

  • 5 weeks later...
Hi dear friend. My name is Juan, I'm from Argentina. Sorry for my poor english. I'm writing you because of your topic "How To Downgrade webOS TV Firmware Tutorial". I need help please, cause my TV model is "49UF6400-SA" and I follow all the steps but not having any solution.

Maybe it's because my model is not present in "local" or "online" folders. For that reason, I searched an updated version of LgDTVUpDater and I found this link:
link hidden, please login to view
 with the next download: 



There's an updated version of those folders and maybe the folder "UF640" is the one for my TV model. But I don't know how to update all the program to use it. Please please please, can you help me?


The actual firmware installed on my TV is 03.10.60


Thanks in advance!

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I came across your name when i was browsing this site. I hope you can help me on the below.

I have got an lg tv and when i try to do a manual firmware upgrade by clicking the check for update using the remote,both wired and wirelessly, i get a message saying 'update failed due to decrypting data error'. I was wondering what that meant and how it can be fixed.

Would be grateful if you could help me with my problem


  • 3 weeks later...

hi everyone 

i have a problem on my smart tv lg 32LF63.. that it turn on and display 1 DTV and turn off and trun on, display 1 DTV and turn off .....


i got this error when i export GlobalClone00001.TLL in usb and i update (i do pretty print and change place the channels) in PC and i import this file in Smart TV LG then it begin this issue.


please help me


Hi Simon,

I followed your instruction and everything went well until I searched for the updates on my TV (Step 10). My TV always shows me "None".

I have 47LM6410-TB

Is this model included in the folder LM640 or do you have to add it?


Here is also the Information from the in-dump file:




THX for your help!




1. Download LgDTVUpDater [ 

link hidden, please login to view
 |  ] Updated 19 OCT 2015

2. Unrar and put LgDTVUpDater folder in C:\

3. Open C:\LgDTVUpDater\dns\AcrylicHosts.txt

4. Change with your 

5. Save and exit

6. Go back to C:\LgDTVUpDater folder

7. Run startDNS.bat and don´t close it

8. Run startHTTP.bat and don´t close it

9. Go to TV Menu > Network Settings > Ethernet/WiFi > Edit > Uncheck Set Automatically > Change DNS IP to your local IP address > Connect

10. Go to General > About This TV > Check For Updates

11. Accept downgrade to the first firmware TV

12. Restart TV

13. Back to TV Menu > Network Settings > Ethernet/WiFi > Edit > Check Set Automatically

14. Go to General > About This TV > Check For Updates and follow TV instructions OR download available Software_File dedicated for your TV, unrar and put *.epk file in LG_DTV folder at USB stick

15. Mount USB stick to USB port at your TV then accept upgrade when message prompt on the screen

16. Restart TV and follow TV instructions


For best performances go to TV Menu > General > Reset to Initial Settings



Voila!  ;)






If your attempt to downgrade your TV with LgDTVUpDater for some reason was not successful, you can try to use tool prepared by SMX.

Everything you need - NSU Emu by SMX and how to use it - you can found .


Olá Simon, 


Eu sou do Brasil, assim como o @newbie, e estou tendo problemas com minha TV e gostaria da sua ajuda.


Eu tenho uma 42LB6500, Firmware 05.05.01, Modelo 42LB6500-SF, versão WebOS 1.4.0-2518 (afro-ashley) e o aplicativo do NetFlix não está carregando mais os vídeos. Somente este aplicativo não funciona corretamente. Tentei fazer o downgrade para a versão 04.65.05, mas sempre dá erro, tanto quanto tento o downgrade com o arquivo no diretório "htdocs" quanto online, pelo link https://su.lge.com... "Falha na atualização erro na descriptografia... ": "Falha na atualização decorrente de erro desconhecido."


Já tentei várias formas, firmware's diferentes, LGDTVUpdater diferente e nada, sempre dá erro. 


Minha TV é só para NetFlix e agora virou um enfeite de parede.


Me ajuda, por favor?


Conteúdo dos arquivos:


<GMT>1 Jun 2015 16:30:47 GMT</GMT>


  • 2 months later...

Hi simon i have Uh850V-ta and edit DTV_W16M_AFADABAA file on htdocs But when downgrade nothing happens please advise me







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    <GMT>13 Aug 2016 12:30:59 GMT</GMT>


É possível fazer o downgrade da LG 42LB6500??? Eu não consigo fazer o downgrade e já tentei olhar os logs do Apache, mas não encontro nada que possa me informar onde estou errando.


Estou começando a acreditar que o problema na verdade é que a minha TV não é possível fazer o downgrade. 

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Simon !

Thanks in advance for your big work ! (sorry for my bad English)...

Two days ago I test your way but I've some doubts, I put a different range local computer... and for localhost AcrylicHosts all changes less local address ( obvious, the doubt is I can't see where step I've to put my *.pek file (firmware file) and if downgrade what's is the version of default if not put my firmware file?  


My LG TV model is 60LB870V and I've realease 05.00.35 but I want to change by 05.00.15 because the flash I think is better... 

In the C:\LgDTVUpDater\htdocs there are a file HE_DTV_WT1M_AFAAABAA and inside I think that there are some parameters which in other website tell to modify for example:

<RESPONSE><RESULT_CD>900</RESULT_CD><MSG>Success</MSG><REQ_ID>00000000001400299533</REQ_ID><IMAGE_URL>http://snu.lge.com/SWDownload.laf</IMAGE_URL><IMAGE_SIZE>619206024</IMAGE_SIZE><IMAGE_NAME>starfish-dvb-secured-m14tv-25.ashley.m14tv-2507-05.00.15-prodkey_usb_V3_SECURED.epk</IMAGE_NAME><IMAGE_CHECKSUM>0x11ef4680</IMAGE_CHECKSUM><UPDATE_MAJOR_VER>03</UPDATE_MAJOR_VER><UPDATE_MINOR_VER>23.24</UPDATE_MINOR_VER><FORCE_FLAG>Y</FORCE_FLAG><KE></KE><GMT>10 Aug 2014 04:47:19 GMT</GMT><ECO_INFO>01</ECO_INFO><CDN_URL>http://su.lge.com:80/GlobalSWDownloadCdn.laf?IMG=/201406/starfish-dvb-secured-m14tv-25.ashley.m14tv-2507-05.00.15-prodkey_usb_V3_SECURED.epk</CDN_URL><CONTENTS></CONTENTS></RESPONSE>

IMAGE_URL too change for  but only donwload at half... but stopping... and never restart the TV... 

My questions are: The image size is not necessary change? because the initial file was another image file like a "**angeles27**" sorry but right now I don't stay join the PC TV...  and if not put my "pek" file how update or what's realease update or perhaps is then when plug my USB Stick because only change the state for new firmwares... sorry but is my first time to downgrade the TV and I've a little fear for a possible brick.

Well I think that is not necessary how I said put any pek file... until restart TV whit USB Stick...  is for that way the correct process? and someone test with LG 60LB870V downgrade 05.00.35 to 05.00.15 without problems? 

Thank you very much in advance !




  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi, any chance of the necessary code to do this without having to create a Windows VB please? My machine is a mid-2012 spec Macbook Pro A1278 running Mint 18.1 & Cinnamon desktop UI and Auld Fecker 17.6 (Debian sc based) for the PT work. I do have access to a Dell desktop but that is also a factory Linux box and I'm not prepared to downgrade either to Windows just so that my TV can be hacked on the offchance that there's a tangible advantage for doing this downgrade, which there may well be but given that the TV works properly I'm only needing to find out for myself which seems fair.

Also, does this affect the warranty?





  • 1 month later...

Can you help me?! I am from Azerbaijan.I have LG Tv 43LF631V.And in my Tv don't work Lg content store.I didn't enter any apps.I try to reset my tv from the settings menu.But don't change any.I know to enter service menu (EZ adjust) whit a smartphone.But I don't know codes( area, country, tools)in the service menu.If you know codes, send me, please

  • 3 months later...

Can someone help me, I dont know what I'm doing wrong.


I have a [LG] webOS TV OLED55B6V I'm trying to downgrade because they ruined HDR game mode and i want it to be bright again.


I've tried everything but my tv wont connect to the local host, I've turned of my firewall etc nothing works.

Anyone can help me or give me the correct firmware that's before 05.30.03?


im a noob in this.




Can you tell me if you can make an official downgrade? After every upgrade, my TV image quality decreased, I waited few official upgrade but after every upgrade the image quality decreased (very little differences in shades, like the screen were aging).  Apple has the same policy after every iOS upgrade the iPhone becomes "older" :-) .  I learned the lesson, if I don't have a real reason for an upgrade I will keep the original firmware. 

After the firmware downgrade, my tv have a very good image like a new one. This was my downgrade reason.

good luck

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