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Media Library Refresh Issues



I am having an updated WebOS for my LG 55" UHD SMART TV. I am having problem with my Media Library refresh. The SmartShare app on the TV keeps showing all the Videos/Movies which no longer exist on my network. When I use Device Connector however, and select only the Plex Media then I see the available Movies correctly.


How to refresh or clear the Media Library on the TV... any help will be appreciated.




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The only way to get "Smart"Share to refresh folder contents is to manually remove the affected shared folders, and then readd them. Every single time there is a change. There will never be an auto-refresh. Ever.

Thanks, LG (yes, that's sarcasm).

PS. Extra points for throwing my first reply to the bit heaven in the process of registering an account (which you said I can do later but, apparently, I can not).

PPS. Oh, and couple more extra points for making "Smart"Share PC client EXCRUCIATINGLY slow and clumsy in everything.

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Guys, I can see this thread is old 4 years, anyway...

I had the same problem with refreshing SmartShare PC client, cuz it' was not showing the newly added videos.

Now, the refresh button in the right bottom corner actually doesn't do anything. To do a a refresh go to settings->My shared content-> and there is a refresh button in the right top corner. Apply->OK-Exit.

P.S. If you are downloading something in the shared folders, this refresh won't do anything, isntead it will refresing forever. So, first download, then refresh.

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