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[pivotCE]LuneOS October Stable release: Eggnog Latte

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Happy Halloween! The long wait is finally over #LuneOS and #webOS fans! We’re back with a new release called “Eggnog Latte” which is a milestone in terms of developments and paves the way forward!

So you’re wondering what we’ve been up to since our previous stable release at the end of last year?

We have done many major upgrades to a large number of components of our stack being:

  • Migration of Open webOS to webOS OSE components.

    We are
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    in terms of the migration of old to their .

    This was a monumental task due to the fact that webOS OSE code was released without any history. So every component needed to be analyzed to understand what was changed in the years of development inside of LG Electronics. Our custom changes needed to be re-assessed and re-implemented into the new components where applicable. A change of direction in certain aspects in terms of architecture made the whole exercise even more complicated. We do however believe that we’re in a good state now in terms of migration. There are still quite some components to migrate and we’ll get through that in the next releases.
  • Qt:

    We migrated from Qt 5.11.3 to Qt 5.12.5 which included an update for Chromium from 65 to 69 amongst other improvements.
  • Yocto upgrade:

    We upgraded from the no longer supported Yocto Pyro release, via the intermediary Rocko, Sumo and Thud releases to the latest Yocto release called Warrior.

We have been working closely together with the Halium, Mer and PostMarketOS projects and have made further integrations between LuneOS and the various projects reducing duplication between the projects and using a single source where possible. This all to be more easily integrated, and to facilitate ports to newer and more devices. We have also worked on support for devices which use a mainline kernel instead of an Android based kernel.. We also have been testing with the Nexus 5 (hammerhead) using a mainline kernel. All our setup has now been adjusted so we can work with both Android based targets and kernels as well as mainline kernels.

LG has a very clear vision in mind for webOS OSE as can be read on . Since the initial release of webOS OSE 1.0 in March last year, there has been a total of 11 releases of webOS OSE already with a lot of improvements and added features added with each release. This month LG has released with a lot of new features and also .

The following items on our to-do list will be where we focus next:

  • Migration of remaining Open webOS components to the newer webOS OSE components and assess where further synergies could be achieved.
  • Migrate to Yocto Zeus release.
  • Update to Qt 5.13.
  • Migrate Nexus 5 (hammerhead) to use mainline kernel.
  • Finalize port for Pinephone.
  • Work on support for Halium 8/9/10 in order to support newer targets.
  • Messaging improvements.
  • Camera improvements.
  • Fix known issues on the various targets.
  • Bring back official support for Touchpad 4G (current build works on Touchpad 4G but only WiFi).

Known issues:

  • Node-SQLite3 is currently not working. Components using Node-SQLite3 have switched to an alternative storage method for now.
  • Telephony not working on the Xiaomi Android 7 based targets. We have found the root cause, but haven’t been able to solve it yet.
  • Virtual Keyboard sometimes randomly doesn’t appear.



  • Preware IPKG Service: use postinst_ontarget
  • Tweaks: Fix for LS2 from webOS OSE
  • Camera: Remove RDEPEND on libhybris
  • FirstUse: Fix for LS2 from webOS OSE
  • Maps: Fix Google API calls
  • Messwerk: Add testing app for various sensors
  • Phone: Fix calling
  • Settings: Fix displaying of device information, fix compatibility with LS2 from webOS OSE
  • Update: Fix parsing of JSON files with update information.
  • CDav: Fix issues after migration to webOS OSE

User Interface:

  • Various minor fixes for status bar & indicators in emulators

System Level:

  • Yocto upgrade from 2.3 Pyro to 2.7 Warrior
  • Qt upgrade from 5.11 to 5.12
  • Pinephone support added
  • activitymanager: RDEPENDS on bootd
  • add meta-qt5-compat layer
  • Add VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_android-initramfs-scripts variable in machines conf
  • alsa-lib: update the patches for 1.1.8
  • alsa-utils: Rename bbappend to match new version from oe-core
  • anbox, ashmem, binder: bump SRCREV; add COMPATIBLE_MACHINE restriction; Add elfutils to DEPENDS to solve QA issue; Add some RDEPENDS,RRECOMMENDS; fix build with boost 1.71.1; fix parallel build issue; restrict COMPATIBLE_MACHINE a bit more
  • anbox-data: add recipe for retrieving android image
  • android-headers: Add headers for Halium-7.1; common recipe for Halium-5.1 headers; make it possible to tweak android-config.h per machine; use Halium headers
  • android-headers-halium: set preferred version
  • android-headers-tenderloin: use API 22, patched to match tenderloin specific content; fix patches to match Halium’s
  • android-kernel-bootimg: append DTB when specified; dedicated recipe for creating boot.img; minimal support for A/B partitions
  • android-property-service, mtp-server, pulseaudio-modules-droid, qtubuntu-camera, qtvideo-node, qt5-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin, qtscenegraph-adaptation, qtsensors-sensorfw-plugin sensorfw, nyx-modules-hybris, org.webosports.app.camera: restrict to halium MACHINES; add dependency on virtual/android-headers
  • android-system: Add missing groups; also mount /persist when it exists; cleanup old hal-hybris overlay code; don’t manage ramdisk unpacking; fix lifecycle of lxc container; only start after main partitions are mounted; Remove installation of non-existing files; simplify usage of Halium; start sensorfwd after android container; use pre-start.sh from Halium; wait a bit for the sensors to be ready
  • android-system-image-: bump to 20180311 Halium build; skip already-stripped QA android-system-image,base-files: use system.img directly android-system-image: Add symbolic link for wifi; Bump Halium images; bump mako,tenderloin,hammerhead; Change wop into luneos; convert the sparse image if needed; create /userdata; make \”symbols\” directory optional; Update halium bits to halium version numbers android-system-image-athene,onyx,mido,angler: bump PV android-system-image-mako: fix install; fix install script; fix typo android-system-image-rosy: use build from webos-ports android-system-image-tenderloin: bump PV; Fix checksums; Update Android image; Use a Haloum 5.1 based Android build android-system-image-tissot: bump PV; Bump PV to fix adb; Bump PV to kill qseeproxydaemon on Android side; bump to 20180302-18 android-tools: move the changes to meta-oe android-tools: remove android-tools-conf: provide whole android-gadget-setup instead of patching it in do_install; use backported recipe angler, hammerhead, mako, athene, onyx, mido, rosy, tissot: stop building ext4 images by default angler,athene,onyx,mako,hammerhead: systemd-machine-units: add rfkill unblock wifi app-services, configurator: Bump SRCREV; fix LS2 for webOS-OSE ashmem, binder: move udev rules to kernel-module--linux package and empty PN
  • base-files,android-system: Android partitions are now mounted by Halium’s initrd
  • base-files: add /system/lib64 in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • bootd: introduce recipe from webOS-OSE; Fix systemd service file
  • busybox: also build telnetd module; also create by-label entries with mdev; mdev: use /dev/disk/by-partlabel instead of by-partname; mdev-partname.sh, mdev.conf: drop trailing spaces; mdev-partname.sh: remove probablly unnecessary ACTION assignment; mdev-partname.sh: use 4 spaces for indentation instead of mix of tabs and spaces; provide busybox-mdev with custom partname symlinks; use 4 spaces for indentation instead of mix of tabs and spaces and BPN in FILESEXTRAPATHS
  • cmake-modules-webos-native: Add back PV; add missing quote; Bump PV
  • com.webos.service.pdm: Remove inherit webos_machine_impl_dep
  • configurator: Move to webOS OSE version; Bump SRCREV
  • connman: move PACKAGECONFIG modification to .bbappend, remove dependency on xl2tp in signature; refresh patches to apply cleanly; update to v1.36
  • cpushareholder-stub, luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages, luna-webkit-api, rdx-utils-stub: inherit allarch before webos_cmake
  • cpushareholder-stub: Migrate from OWO to OSE
  • db8, filecache: Bump SRCREV, app-services: Bump SRCREV and cleanup recipe
  • db8, nyx-modules: Minor fixes after OSE rebase
  • db8: Add back dropped PV; Bump SRCREV and drop patch now merged in repo; cleanup a bit; fix db8-tests runtime depends; fix LS2 for webOS-OSE; Update to latest revision and remove references to com.webos.service.attachedstoragemanager
  • dbus-cpp, process-cpp, properties-cpp: Switch to GitHub & latest commits
  • dbus-cpp: fix compatiblity with boost 1.66.0
  • defaulttunes.inc: return accidentally dropped last line; use armv8a-crc-crypto for both raspberrypi[34]-64;use cortexa8thf-neon for currently supported 32bit arm MACHINEs;use different TUNE_PKGARCH_64 for raspberrypi3-64 MACHINE
  • directfb: Drop .bbappend
  • distro: luneos: switch release name to Eggnog Latte
  • downloadmanager: Remove recipe
  • event-monitor, event-monitor-network: Add recipes from OSE
  • exiv2: Update to 0.27.1
  • extra-cmake-modules: Bump to latest from upstream
  • filecache: Bump SRCREV
  • Fix meson bbappend
  • Fixup line endings
  • funyahoo-plusplus: Update to latest from upstream
  • Further work on webOS OSE migration; Further changes for webOS OSE; Further migration for webOS OSE
  • gcc: restore gcc-7.3 from Yocto 2.6 Thud
  • geoclue: backport gtk-doc.bbclass changes from Yocto 2.8 Zeus to make GTKDOC_MESON_OPTION work in Yocto 2.7 Warrior; Fix typo;fix unknown-configure-option QA issue; Rename .bbappend to be generic; Update to 2.5.3; use backported recipe; Add to meta-webos-ports for fixes & upgrade
  • glib-2.0: Rename bbappend to match new version from oe-core; update 0001-gdbus-codegen-replace-plus-also-with-underscore.patch to apply on 2.58.0 version; update patch to apply on 2.54.2 version; add work around for broken ld-2.29.so when gold is used; drop bbappend; export LDFLAGS
  • glm: use version from meta-oe
  • glmark2: disable wayland-gles2
  • GnuTLS: Fix missing system trust
  • gstreamer1.0-plugins-base: disable egl
  • gtest: don’t rdepend on ${PN} from ${PN}-dev; export LDFLAGS
  • hammerhead kernel: delay wifi init
  • hammerhead, mako, tenderloin: Use Halium image built with Ports repos; use WOP builds of Halium
  • hammerhead, mako: Add NFC as machine feature
  • hammerhead.conf: use initramfs-scripts-halium
  • hammerhead: temporarily disable gobject introspection
  • https-everywhere: Update to latest from upstream
  • hunspell-dictionaries: Update to latest from upstream; use backported recipe
  • icyque: Add recipe
  • Ignore generated pycache directory
  • iio-sensor-proxy: introduce recipe
  • imaccountvalidator, activitymanager, db8, filecache, sleepd, luna-service2: Bump SRCREV
  • imaccountvalidator, imlibpurpleservice: Add icyque plugin
  • imlibpurpleservice, org.webosports.service.messaging, webos-telephonyd, app-services, core-apps, nodejs-module-webos-sysbus: Bump SRCREV
  • Include android-kernel-bootimg for each MACHINE that needs it
  • Initial work for webOS OSE migration
  • initramfs-android-image: make it possible to add content; make sure that ANDROID_EXTRA_INITRAMFS_IMAGE_INSTALL is expanded
  • initramfs-android-recovery-tissot: skip file-rdeps QA as well
  • initramfs-boot-android: cosmetics; disable busybox extreme symlink checks; fix image identification for rootfs on partition; import Fix-userdata-mount-options.patch from meta-hp; init.sh: be less verbose for initial user data copy; mount /dev/pts for cases when enable_adb is used; put .firstboot_done in a rw folder; reset uevent_help when stopping mdev; split halium and generic version; use mdev instead of udev
  • initramfs-boot-android: fix tenderloin’s boot; Move initrd RDEPENDS from ANDROID_EXTRA_INITRAMFS_IMAGE_INSTALL to initramfs-boot-android recipe; put .firstboot_done in a rw folder; split halium and generic version; tenderloin: mount /boot as ro; tenderloin: use correct folder for media data
  • initramfs-scripts-android: improve init scripts; switch from RNDIS to CDC-ECM
  • initramfs-scripts-halium: move Fix-userdata-mount-options.patch to the right directory; specify needs through RDEPENDS
  • initrdscripts: fix tenderloin initial data (wallpaper)
  • jemalloc: Switch to OSE repo
  • kernel.bbclass: drop backported bbclass; remove backported bbclass; import from oe-core/pyro and backport one fix from oe-core/rocko
  • kernel: tenderloin, mako, hammerhead, onyx bump SRCREV for GCC8
  • kernel_android, android-kernel-bootimg: use pkg_postinst_ontarget
  • kernel_android.bbclass: fix path to the KERNEL_DEVICETREE; use ${KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME}-image instead of kernel-image
  • kernel_android: update for new KERNEL_* variables from oe-core; use the bbclass again
  • keymanager: bump SRCREV
  • kf5bluezqt-mer: set QT.BluezQt.module to fix compatibility with Qt 5.12
  • layer.conf: Update to warrior release name series
  • leveldb: move bbappend to the matching directory
  • leveldb-tl: downgrade to gcc-4.7 branch; provide native version
  • libbson: Bump to latest upstream release
  • libcamera: introduce recipe
  • libdrm: add vboxvideo to tested modules; update the patch to apply for 2.4.96
  • libglibutil: fix LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM
  • libhybris, wayland: use wayland-egl from libhybris again
  • libhybris: bump SRCREV and resolve the review comments; fix build with glibc-2.26; fix mido build flags; fix tenderloin build flags; provide also virtual/mesa and set PREFERRED_PROVIDER for all android devices; refresh patch; remove the already applied patch from SRC_URI; restrict COMPATIBLE_MACHINE to halium MACHINEs; use older SRCREV for tenderloin; don’t install wayland-egl; drop SRCREV
  • libpalmsocket: fix build with openssl-1.1.1
  • libpbnjson: restore PV and OECMAKE_GENERATOR fix
  • libpng: Bump to 1.6.37
  • librolegen: Add DEPENDS; Switch to OSE version + patches
  • libsandbox: Migrate from OWO to OSE
  • libsensmon: blacklist due to newer vala incompatibility
  • libshr-glib: blacklist because of random failures
  • libvpx: enable thumb to work around issue with -halium appended to TUNE_PKGARCH
  • linunx-lg-mako: bump SRCREV
  • linux-: don’t use ANDROID_BOOTIMG_CMDLINE for built-in kernel cmdline linux-{oneplus-onyx,lg-mako}: fix branch parameter linux-hp-tenderloin: bump SRCREV; use a 3.4 kernel linux-lg-{mako,hammerhead},linux-hp-tenderloin: backport 2 changes to fix build with gcc8 linux-lg-hammerhead: bump SRCREV; fix some minor defconfig values linux-lg-mako: send patches upstream and bump SRCREV; switch to old ubp-5.1 branch with just 1 fix for gcc-8 from cm-14.1 branch linux-oneplus-onyx: switch to old cm-14.1-los branch with just 1 fix for gcc-8 from luneos/cm-14.1-wip branch linux-xiaomi-rosy: bump SRCREV linux-xiaomi-tissot: bump SRCREV linux-yocto: add own defconfig; backport 5.0 from master and switch from linux-yocto-dev; drop backported fixes for compatibility with older Yocto; enable few more drm drivers; squashfs: add squash kernel module for anbox; use own virtio.cfg and reinclude kernel-module-virtio-gpu as a module linux-yocto-dev: add bbappend also for -dev version; enable vboxguest in the kernel and blacklist vboxguestdrivers again lsb: rename bbappend to match any version luna-applauncher: JustType: use a relative margin for main field (got broken after Qt 5.12.5 upgrade) luna-appmanager: Bump SRCREV; fix LS2 for webOS-OSE luna-downloadmgr, applicationinstallerutility: Add recipes luna-downloadmgr: Drop MACHINE specific configuration luna-next: Bump SRCREV; LS2 fix for webOS-OSE luna-next-cardshell: bump SRCREV; merge webosose branch to master luna-next-conf: fix possible conflict between evdevtouch and evdevkeyboard; fix VBoxTouch parameters for qemu; rosy: give input devices to evdevkeyboard; update VBoxTouch params and enable input and cursor; use drm+eglfs_kms for qemux86
  • luna-prefs-data.bb: Fix Lune OS name to LuneOS
  • luna-qml-launcher: fix LS2 for webOS-OSE
  • luna-service2: bump SRCREV; re-enable default LS2 security policy; remove webos_machine_impl_dep inherit imported from OSE
  • luna-service2-security-conf: Switch to own fork
  • luna-sysmgr: explicitely put RDEPENDS on powerd; Fix branch; fix LS2 for webOS-OSE
  • luna-sysmgr-common: Bump SRCREV
  • luna-sysmgr-conf, nyx-conf, nyx-modules, luna-next-conf: add support for raspberrypi4(-64)
  • luna-sysservice, nodejs-module-webos-sysbus, nyx-utils, luna-service2, nyx-lib, pmloglib, pmloglib-private: Bump SRCREV
  • luna-sysservice: Add back dropped PV; bump SRCREV; fix LS2 for webOS-OSE
  • luna-systemui: Bump SRCREV
  • luna-webappmanager: bump SRCREV; fix LS2 for webOS-OSE
  • luneos.inc: drop kernel-module-virtio-gpu; enable image-buildinfo; exclude DATETIME from IMAGE_NAME, KERNEL_IMAGE_BASE_NAME, MODULE_IMAGE_BASE_NAME vardeps; include all default WARN_QA in ERROR_QA; replace uvesafb with vboxvideo; set WEBOS_TARGET_MACHINE_IMPL only in webos_machine_impl_dep; simplify PREMIRROR configuration; use linux-yocto-dev also for qemux86-64; use new oe-core variable IMAGE_VERSION_SUFFIX
  • luneos: add rpi-sdimg.gz IMAGE_FSTYPE; reinclude luneos-recipe-blacklist-world.inc and update it for Yocto 2.7 Warrior; use linux-yocto-dev for qemux86
  • luneos_image.bbclass: remove the webos_swap_hook function
  • luneos-{package,emulator-appliance}.inc: remove extra dash in filenames
  • luneos-components: bump SRCREV and switch to qt-5.12 branch
  • luneos-dev-image, luneui-example-image: drop mesa
  • luneos-dev-image: add libdrm-tests; add more packages for testing
  • luneos-emulator.ovf: move to qemux86 subdirectory and restrict to qemux86; refresh to ovf-2.0 format with VirtualBox-6.0.8; update OSType for qemux86-64 luneos-emulator-appliance.inc: include ${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX} in source VMDK filename; use pigz-native instead of zip-native; switch from default VBoxVGA to VBoxSVGA luneos-image: add WKS with syslinux config file without serial luneos-package.inc: bump android-update-package SRCREV; fix SRCREV; include ${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX} in source rootfs filename; work around tar being killed by OOMK; work around tar being killed by OOMK even harder luneos-preferred-providers.inc: remove VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_bash; use busybox as a provider for bash and stat luneos-preferred-versions.inc: downgrade gcc from default 8 to 7 luneos-recipe-blacklist-world.inc: blacklist remmina; use weak assignment luneui-example: add emulator-appliance and android package images luneui-example-image, packagegroup-luneos-extended: add Anbox for qemux86-64 luneui-example-image,luneos-dev-image: include glmark2 only for qemuall lxc: ignore stringop-overflow= errors with gcc8 make, hammerhead, tenderloin: use mesa-gl as virtual/mesa provider; use kernel sources from shr-distribution/linux.git and fix build with gcc-7; use our Halium image mako, hammerhead: Use upstream kernels which now have our patches included mako: Fix the kernel build maliit-framework-qt5: set QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland mediaindexer: Bump SRCREV; Switch back to master branch mesa: backport 19.0.5 and mesa-demos 8.4.0 from oe-core; drop backported PROVIDES; enable gallium only for target builds; update old recipe; use latest mesa from oe-core mesa-gl: remove ${includedir}/KHR/khrplatform.h when using libhybris meson: override 0003_native-bindir patch with a fixed version; drop backported fix, now in oe-core revision we’re using messaging-accounts: Bump SRCREV meta-: add LAYERSERIES_COMPAT to layer.conf files
  • meta-: add LAYERSERIES_COMPAT to layer.conf files; set PREFERRED_PROVIDER for libgl and libgbm for all android devices meta-{asus,hp,huawei,lg,motorola,oneplus,xiaomi}: remove fstab overload meta-acer, meta-asus, meta-aurora, meta-fso, meta-geeksphone, meta-htc, meta-nokia meta-openmoko, meta-osmocombb, meta-palm, meta-samsung, meta-shr-distro, meta-shr: Remove unsupported layers meta-android, meta-hp: respect IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX variable meta-android: add FREESMARTPHONE_GIT; initramfs-android-recovery: add inc; remove leftover from android-tools removal; use separate PACKAGE_DIR for Halium-based packages meta-android-halium.inc: add halium OVERRIDE; blacklist virglrenderer, cogl-1.0, clutter-1.0, mx-1.0, clutter-gst-3.0, clutter-gtk-1.0 meta-hp: initramfs-boot-android: move Fix-userdata-mount-options.patch to meta-webos-ports; migrate tenderloin to use Halium’s init meta-luneos-backports-2.8: add layer for backports from Yocto 2.8 Zeus; Add pidgin 2.13 meta-motorola: Athene, use our own fork for now.; Fixes for athene target to make build work; Initial work for athene target meta-oneplus: Fixes for onyx target to make build work; Initial work on layer; linux-oneplus-onyx: Use herrie82 branch pending upstream merge; Update kernel for onyx (OnePlus X) meta-qt5-compat: remove meta-shr, meta-fso: remove blacklisted recipes meta-smartphone: Add meta-huawei layer with Angler target; udev-extraconf: Uniform naming scheme for device udev rules and update udev rules meta-webos-ports: Add pinephone machine meta-xiaomi: add initial support for rosy (Redmi 5); Further updates to make things work; Get image for Tissot building; Initial work for Xiaomi A1 (tissot); Initial work on layer; linux-xiaomi-mido: Fix incorrect RAM_BASE addresses; Mido enable WLAN as module; mido fix persist partition number in fstab; mido use correct wlan module name; rosy minor fixes; tissot: add initramfs-android-recovery; tissot: enable permissive SELinux; tissot: ignore other parameters from bootloader; tissot: switch to cm-14.1 kernel to fix wifi Migrate LuneOS targeted machines to using android-kernel-image mmsd: Bump SRCREV mobile-broadband-provider-info: Bump SRCREV module-base.bbclass: import from oe-core/pyro and backport the fix to support newer kernels; refresh from rocko module-base: remove backported bbclass mojo: Switch to webOS-ports/webOS-OSE branches mojomail, pmcertificatemgr: bump SRCREV mojoservicelauncher: bump SRCREV; temporary drop nodejs-module-webos-dynaload and nodejs-module-webos-sysbus mpeg2dec: ignore textrel QA issue in libmpeg2 mtp-server: bump SRCREV; fix build with glog-0.3.5 nemo-qml-plugin-dbus: Bump to latest from upstream node-gyp-native: upgrade to 4.0.0+git; fix branch parameter nodejs-enyo-dev-native: Bump SRCREV nodejs-module-webos-{dynaload,sysbus}: bump SRCREV nodejs-module-webos-dynaload: Move to OSE version nodejs-module-webos-pmlog: Add fix from upstream OSE nodejs-module-webos-service: Add recipe from OSE nodejs-module-webos-sysbus: Bump SRCREV; Fix installation of role files.; Fix work directory; Migrate to webOS OSE version; restore old security schema novacomd: Remove upstart init script; Switch to OSE version ntp: Add an empty ntp-kod file numptyphysics: fix file-rdeps QA nyx-conf: add pinephone power key config nyx-modules, nyx-conf: Fix pinephone setup nyx-modules: bump SRCREV; Changes for new nyx modules from OSE;’disable security and security2 modules and return to the image; fix build for tenderloin; fix rosy’s cmake; fixes for webOS-OSE rebase; qemux86(-64) update copyright and specify modules to build; reintroduce nyx-modules-hybris for Halium based targets; toro & toroplus: Update copyright & hybris modules; Update copyright nyx-modules-hybris: bump SRCREV for nyx-lib compatibility fixes ofono: Drop patches that are no longer used.; Update to latest from Mer; use more recent version omhacks: blacklist openssl: update openssl.cnf u-a configuration
  • openssl, gtest, leveldb: drop EXTENDPRAUTO
  • openssl10: remove the bbappend and blacklist instead
  • opkg: Rename bbappend to match new version from oe-core
  • packagegroup: temoporary drop certmgrd, pmcertificatemgr, mojomail-imap, mojomail-pop, mojomail-smtp, nyx-modules
  • packagegroup-luneos-extended: add messwerk app; Drop downloadmanager in favor of luna-downloadmgr; include DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS to install necessary kernel modules; include rng-tools for qemu*; re-enable nyx-modules-hybris; replace wireless-tools with iw; Add event-monitor & event-monitor-network
  • PATCH] athene, mido, onyx: Fix display size and add ANDROID_HEADERS_DEFINES
  • pdm & pdm-plugin: Add various bits to build & include in images.
  • phonesim: Bump to 1.21
  • pidgin, leveldb-tl, extra-cmake-modules, pmloglib-private: don’t rdepend on ${PN} from ${PN}-dev
  • pidgin: Make bbappend version independent; remove the backported recipes; update purple-OE-branding-25.patch to apply cleanly; Update to 2.13; use backported recipes
  • pidgin-sipe: Update to latest release from upstream
  • pmloglib: Add back PV
  • pmloglib-private: Add back PV
  • powerstat: Update to latest upstream
  • properties-cpp: add sha265sum, fix runtime dependencies
  • pulseaudio: rename bbappend to apply on new version from oe-core; update patches to apply on 11.1 version
  • pulseaudio-modules-droid: adapt folders for PulseAudio 11.1; bump SRCREV for 12.2 compatibility; update PULSEAUDIO_VERSION to 12.2
  • purple-skypeweb: Update to latest release from upstream
  • python-tz: Bump to 2019.1
  • qemu: don’t enable spice for target; drop virglrenderer from target qemu as well; enable sdl and virtfs as well; enable virglrenderer spice libusb usb-redir gtk+
  • qemux86: use wic.vmdk
  • qt5: refresh the patches for 5.12.3 version
  • qt5-plugin-generic-vboxtouch: bump SRCREV; switch to new version from Tofee
  • qt5-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin: bump SRCREV and fix build; fix compatibility with qtbase 5.12; remove unneeded patch
  • qtbase: allow to easily select different QPA; update PACKAGECONFIG xkbcommon-evdev -> xkbcommon
  • qtlocation-luneos-plugin: replace qtlocation patch; Update plugins dir and PV
  • qtvideo-node, org.webosports.app.camera: fix PV
  • qtwayland: don’t use wayland-brcm; drop drm-egl-server and libhybris-egl-server PACKAGECONFIGs; fix QWaylandShellPrivate inheritance; Fix window properties; refresh patches for 5.12; fix the last patch filename in SRC_URI; update patches for 5.12.5
  • qtwebengine: enable wayland-brcm for rpi, drm-egl-server for qemuall and libhybris-egl-server for the rest; fix 0001-WebContents-provide-additional-features-from-window..patch; fix patch directory; fix Sync call patch; refresh patches for 5.12; refresh patches for 5.12.5
  • raspberrypi4-64: fix TUNE_PKGARCH_64
  • rdxd: Drop stub and add the real thing.; Add missing PROVIDES
  • README: update to depend on master branches
  • Remove AOL & ICQ protocol plugins
  • Revert \”hammerhead: temporarily disable gobject introspection\”
  • Revert \”meta-hp: initramfs-boot-android: move Fix-userdata-mount-options.patch to meta-webos-ports\”
  • SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS: drop ubuntu-16.04
  • sdl2-opengles-test: build only sdl2_opengles2_test for all rpi MACHINEs; Fix typo in license file.; Switch to new repo and update to latest version
  • sensorfw: bump SRCREV and make it more generic; fix orientation matrix for pinephone
  • serviceinstaller: Switch to OSE version + our patch
  • shadow-sysroot: rename bbappend to match new version
  • sleepd: add powerd as RDEPENDS
  • snappy: import from OSE and add as a dependency to leveldb; use newer 1.1.7 version from meta-oe
  • storaged: Add PV
  • Switch from branch= to WEBOS_GIT_PARAM_BRANCH
  • systemd: disable networkd and resolved.; fix boot for old kernels; fix build without resolved; rebase patches to apply on 237 version; rebase patches to apply on 241; update Disable-ProtectHome-and-ProtectSystem-for-old-kernel.patch to apply on 239 version; Update mmc patch; update persistent-storage-rule-mmc-partname.patch to apply on 234 version
  • systemd-conf: disable key handling in logind.conf
  • systemd-machine-units: regroup xiaomi identical service files; fix bluetooth for hammerhead; fix bluetooth for mako; mido: fix Bluetooth; rosy: fix Bluetooth; rosy: fix wlan module loading; tissot: fix Bluetooth
  • systemd-serialgetty: disable SERIAL_CONSOLES on LuneOS’s qemu; drop weird bbappend
  • tzdata: rename bbappend to apply on renamed recipe
  • ubx-utils: fix file-rdeps QA
  • udev-extraconf: override automount.rules with empty rules file; tissot, rosy: add touchscreen0 rule
  • unused: remove long unused recipes and bbclasses
  • uriparser: Upgrade to 0.9.3
  • Various components: Move back to webOS-ports fork
  • Various fixes for systemd
  • vboxguestdrivers: backport 5.2.22 from meta-oe; unblacklist but install only vboxguest and vboxsf modules
  • VoiceCall: Bump SRCREV & drop patch; Bump version to latest from upstream and refresh patches; Drop patches since our changes are merged upstream; fix DEVICELOCK handling
  • wayland: limit do_install_append only for target
  • webos_{lttng,pmlog_config}.bbclass: move to the right layer
  • webos_configure_manifest.bbclass, webos_system_bus.bbclass: replace some warnings with notes
  • webos_configure_manifest.bbclass: move to the right layer
  • webos_nyx_module_provider.bbclass: enable NYXMOD_OW_MSMMTP by default
  • webos_test_provider.bbclass: move to meta-luneui
  • webos-connman-adapter: bump SRCREV
  • webos-initscripts, org.webosports.cdav, app-services, bootd, com.webos.service.pdm, db8, enyo-1.0, mojoservice-framework, mojomail: Bump SRCREV
  • webos-initscripts.bb: Fix inherit
  • webos-initscripts: don’t include systemd-machine-units in sstate signature; fix startup sequence for webOS-OSE; Fix whitespace issues
  • webos-keyboard: fix LS2 for webOS-OSE; Bump SRCREV
  • wifi-module-load: fix sleep call in systemd service
  • luneos-components: Update Qt version to 5.12.5; Add stub for ieee8021x wifi network

The usual


2. and


Download and Install

Feel free to to get started. Tenderloin, Hammerhead and Tissot remain our focus for now, but the emulators, Mako and Mido work too.

Please note that in order to use the latest stable builds Nexus 4 (Mako) and Nexus 5 (Hammerhead) you need to flash the CM 12.1 images first using CWM/TWRP. In order to do so, you might be required to do a “factory reset” or at least “wipe cache”. CWM/TWRP will indicate when this is needed. After successfully flashing CM 12.1, make sure to boot it at least once before going back to CWM/TWRP to flash the latest LuneOS image! We have provided links to CM 12.1 for these 3 images on our device pages below.

Installation instructions for ,  and are on the . And remember we .

Don’t forget to contact us with any questions and feel free to . Catch us on Twitter on IRC: Freenode:#webos-ports or email [email protected].

We will see you shortly again with a new release!

Picture credit:

The post first appeared on .

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    • By pivotCE
      Sooo that was a really long time since a release, but
      link hidden, please login to view are still around and active as ever! We have continued making updates and producing testing images. But a lot happened that resulted in us not putting out a proper release out in the past few years.
      Those who have stayed in touch with the community will know there has been some turmoil with the closure of the webOS Nation forums last year. Things stabilised over the last year as people converged around the and made plans on the associated . Much of the old information from webOS Nation was preserved thanks to the and can still be accessed, if imperfectly. We have now set up a that largely replicates the old layout and is ready for fresh content.
      If you are eager to find out what we’ve been working on and to try out the new release, read on…
      The (Jenkins) builder infrastructure we had available previously decided to have a number of malfunctions, leading it to be no longer available to us. So for now we’re back to our own builders for building all the images, which isn’t great, but at least we’re still building and providing images! We are now using , which means newer base components like systemd, pulseaudio and wayland.
      Since the last release LuneOS has gone through a major rework under the hood. To summarize:
      We moved from Qt5 to (6.5.2 included in this release). We have moved away from our own compositor (luna-next) to the one provided by LG in called luna-surfacemanager. We are now using LG’s WAM (WebAppManager) instead of our own custom one together with LG’s fork of Chromium (94). A major rebase of all components shared with webOS OSE to be based on the now. This included a migration to Enhanced ACG which provides a lot tighter security for LS2 calls from apps and services. This all was an enormous amount of work behind the screens but little visible to the end user, however this does offer clear benefits going forward being:
      A shared code-base with LG, which means less custom components and maintenance. Years of field tested code on LG production devices which offers more stability. In this process we were able to keep backwards compatibility for apps and services. Easier to upgrade to latest OSE components, since we have migrated almost all remaining components that were still not based on the latest webOS OSE or on Open webOS. (125 components were migrated in total, 15 components are still to be migrated). In the meanwhile we have also been working hard to support the newly released devices such as the PinePhone, PinePhonePro and PineTab2 which are affordable devices which can run a very close to mainline kernel and a multitude of OS-es. We now support booting off on Pinephone.
      The new close to mainline kernel for the Pine64 devices allows them to run things like out of the box!
      All other supported Android devices are now based on 9.0.
      So what is ahead for the near future?
      Our focus will be on the mainline devices and emulator (), however we will try to keep support for the Android/Halium based targets as well.
      Upgrade to latest Chromium 108 released by LG recently Work on audio & multimedia infrastructure provided by webOS OSE to get it working in LuneOS Work on camera infrastructure Try to get a mainline kernel working for Tenderloin, Hammerhead, Mido and Tissot. Improve/add QML components and add new basic apps to be used such as Camera, Flashlight, Audio Player, Video Player Piggyback off some of the work done by the . Provide a GSI image for newer Android (9.0+) based devices, this would allow a standard image to boot on most modern Android devices v.s. building a device specific one for each device. Known issues:
      Battery usage is on the high side No audio in webapps (we decided not to spend time on this, seeing we plan to update Chromium soon anyway) The Usual:
      Sign up for. Get involved and [ UPDATE https://pivotce.com/2014/09/22/webos-ports-help-wanted/ ] Feel free to download the updated builds to get started. Currently supported targets: PinePhone, PinePhonePro, PineTab2, Qemux86-64 (Virtualbox), all with mainline kernel. Tenderloin, Hammerhead, Tissot, Mido, Rosy, Mako (Android 9.0/Halium based with their respective Android kernels (3.4 and newer)). RaspberryPi 3 and RaspberryPi4 might work too, however we haven’t tested this ourselves.
      . And remember we don’t do timelines.
      Don’t forget to contact us with any questions and feel free to join the discussion on the . Catch us on Twitter @webosports on IRC: Libera:#webos-ports, or email [email protected].
      We will see you shortly again with a new release!
      Picture credit: from Pixabay
      The post first appeared on . Related posts:

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      My TV (49SM8100) is asking for firmware upgrade, but I would like to have to positive returns before upgrading it.
      Did any of you upgraded it without problem ?

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    • By pivotCE
      Picture credit:
      link hidden, please login to view Happy Halloween! The long wait is finally over #LuneOS and #webOS fans! We’re back with a new release called “Eggnog Latte” which is a milestone in terms of developments and paves the way forward!
      So you’re wondering what we’ve been up to since our previous stable release at the end of last year?
      We have done many major upgrades to a large number of components of our stack being:
      Migration of Open webOS to webOS OSE components.

      We are in terms of the migration of old to their .

      This was a monumental task due to the fact that webOS OSE code was released without any history. So every component needed to be analyzed to understand what was changed in the years of development inside of LG Electronics. Our custom changes needed to be re-assessed and re-implemented into the new components where applicable. A change of direction in certain aspects in terms of architecture made the whole exercise even more complicated. We do however believe that we’re in a good state now in terms of migration. There are still quite some components to migrate and we’ll get through that in the next releases.

      We migrated from Qt 5.11.3 to Qt 5.12.5 which included an update for Chromium from 65 to 69 amongst other improvements.
      Yocto upgrade:

      We upgraded from the no longer supported Yocto Pyro release, via the intermediary Rocko, Sumo and Thud releases to the latest Yocto release called Warrior.
      We have been working closely together with the Halium, Mer and PostMarketOS projects and have made further integrations between LuneOS and the various projects reducing duplication between the projects and using a single source where possible. This all to be more easily integrated, and to facilitate ports to newer and more devices. We have also worked on support for devices which use a mainline kernel instead of an Android based kernel.. We also have been testing with the Nexus 5 (hammerhead) using a mainline kernel. All our setup has now been adjusted so we can work with both Android based targets and kernels as well as mainline kernels.
      LG has a very clear vision in mind for webOS OSE as can be read on . Since the initial release of webOS OSE 1.0 in March last year, there has been a total of 11 releases of webOS OSE already with a lot of improvements and added features added with each release. This month LG has released with a lot of new features and also .
      The following items on our to-do list will be where we focus next:
      Migration of remaining Open webOS components to the newer webOS OSE components and assess where further synergies could be achieved. Migrate to Yocto Zeus release. Update to Qt 5.13. Migrate Nexus 5 (hammerhead) to use mainline kernel. Finalize port for Pinephone. Work on support for Halium 8/9/10 in order to support newer targets. Messaging improvements. Camera improvements. Fix known issues on the various targets. Bring back official support for Touchpad 4G (current build works on Touchpad 4G but only WiFi). Known issues:
      Node-SQLite3 is currently not working. Components using Node-SQLite3 have switched to an alternative storage method for now. Telephony not working on the Xiaomi Android 7 based targets. We have found the root cause, but haven’t been able to solve it yet. Virtual Keyboard sometimes randomly doesn’t appear. Changelog
      Preware IPKG Service: use postinst_ontarget Tweaks: Fix for LS2 from webOS OSE Camera: Remove RDEPEND on libhybris FirstUse: Fix for LS2 from webOS OSE Maps: Fix Google API calls Messwerk: Add testing app for various sensors Phone: Fix calling Settings: Fix displaying of device information, fix compatibility with LS2 from webOS OSE Update: Fix parsing of JSON files with update information. CDav: Fix issues after migration to webOS OSE User Interface:
      Various minor fixes for status bar & indicators in emulators System Level:
      Yocto upgrade from 2.3 Pyro to 2.7 Warrior Qt upgrade from 5.11 to 5.12 Pinephone support added activitymanager: RDEPENDS on bootd add meta-qt5-compat layer Add VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_android-initramfs-scripts variable in machines conf alsa-lib: update the patches for 1.1.8 alsa-utils: Rename bbappend to match new version from oe-core anbox, ashmem, binder: bump SRCREV; add COMPATIBLE_MACHINE restriction; Add elfutils to DEPENDS to solve QA issue; Add some RDEPENDS,RRECOMMENDS; fix build with boost 1.71.1; fix parallel build issue; restrict COMPATIBLE_MACHINE a bit more anbox-data: add recipe for retrieving android image android-headers: Add headers for Halium-7.1; common recipe for Halium-5.1 headers; make it possible to tweak android-config.h per machine; use Halium headers android-headers-halium: set preferred version android-headers-tenderloin: use API 22, patched to match tenderloin specific content; fix patches to match Halium’s android-kernel-bootimg: append DTB when specified; dedicated recipe for creating boot.img; minimal support for A/B partitions android-property-service, mtp-server, pulseaudio-modules-droid, qtubuntu-camera, qtvideo-node, qt5-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin, qtscenegraph-adaptation, qtsensors-sensorfw-plugin sensorfw, nyx-modules-hybris, org.webosports.app.camera: restrict to halium MACHINES; add dependency on virtual/android-headers android-system: Add missing groups; also mount /persist when it exists; cleanup old hal-hybris overlay code; don’t manage ramdisk unpacking; fix lifecycle of lxc container; only start after main partitions are mounted; Remove installation of non-existing files; simplify usage of Halium; start sensorfwd after android container; use pre-start.sh from Halium; wait a bit for the sensors to be ready android-system-image-: bump to 20180311 Halium build; skip already-stripped QA android-system-image,base-files: use system.img directly android-system-image: Add symbolic link for wifi; Bump Halium images; bump mako,tenderloin,hammerhead; Change wop into luneos; convert the sparse image if needed; create /userdata; make \”symbols\” directory optional; Update halium bits to halium version numbers android-system-image-athene,onyx,mido,angler: bump PV android-system-image-mako: fix install; fix install script; fix typo android-system-image-rosy: use build from webos-ports android-system-image-tenderloin: bump PV; Fix checksums; Update Android image; Use a Haloum 5.1 based Android build android-system-image-tissot: bump PV; Bump PV to fix adb; Bump PV to kill qseeproxydaemon on Android side; bump to 20180302-18 android-tools: move the changes to meta-oe android-tools: remove android-tools-conf: provide whole android-gadget-setup instead of patching it in do_install; use backported recipe angler, hammerhead, mako, athene, onyx, mido, rosy, tissot: stop building ext4 images by default angler,athene,onyx,mako,hammerhead: systemd-machine-units: add rfkill unblock wifi app-services, configurator: Bump SRCREV; fix LS2 for webOS-OSE ashmem, binder: move udev rules to kernel-module--linux package and empty PN base-files,android-system: Android partitions are now mounted by Halium’s initrd base-files: add /system/lib64 in LD_LIBRARY_PATH bootd: introduce recipe from webOS-OSE; Fix systemd service file busybox: also build telnetd module; also create by-label entries with mdev; mdev: use /dev/disk/by-partlabel instead of by-partname; mdev-partname.sh, mdev.conf: drop trailing spaces; mdev-partname.sh: remove probablly unnecessary ACTION assignment; mdev-partname.sh: use 4 spaces for indentation instead of mix of tabs and spaces; provide busybox-mdev with custom partname symlinks; use 4 spaces for indentation instead of mix of tabs and spaces and BPN in FILESEXTRAPATHS cmake-modules-webos-native: Add back PV; add missing quote; Bump PV com.webos.service.pdm: Remove inherit webos_machine_impl_dep configurator: Move to webOS OSE version; Bump SRCREV connman: move PACKAGECONFIG modification to .bbappend, remove dependency on xl2tp in signature; refresh patches to apply cleanly; update to v1.36 cpushareholder-stub, luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages, luna-webkit-api, rdx-utils-stub: inherit allarch before webos_cmake cpushareholder-stub: Migrate from OWO to OSE db8, filecache: Bump SRCREV, app-services: Bump SRCREV and cleanup recipe db8, nyx-modules: Minor fixes after OSE rebase db8: Add back dropped PV; Bump SRCREV and drop patch now merged in repo; cleanup a bit; fix db8-tests runtime depends; fix LS2 for webOS-OSE; Update to latest revision and remove references to com.webos.service.attachedstoragemanager dbus-cpp, process-cpp, properties-cpp: Switch to GitHub & latest commits dbus-cpp: fix compatiblity with boost 1.66.0 defaulttunes.inc: return accidentally dropped last line; use armv8a-crc-crypto for both raspberrypi[34]-64;use cortexa8thf-neon for currently supported 32bit arm MACHINEs;use different TUNE_PKGARCH_64 for raspberrypi3-64 MACHINE directfb: Drop .bbappend distro: luneos: switch release name to Eggnog Latte downloadmanager: Remove recipe event-monitor, event-monitor-network: Add recipes from OSE exiv2: Update to 0.27.1 extra-cmake-modules: Bump to latest from upstream filecache: Bump SRCREV Fix meson bbappend Fixup line endings funyahoo-plusplus: Update to latest from upstream Further work on webOS OSE migration; Further changes for webOS OSE; Further migration for webOS OSE gcc: restore gcc-7.3 from Yocto 2.6 Thud geoclue: backport gtk-doc.bbclass changes from Yocto 2.8 Zeus to make GTKDOC_MESON_OPTION work in Yocto 2.7 Warrior; Fix typo;fix unknown-configure-option QA issue; Rename .bbappend to be generic; Update to 2.5.3; use backported recipe; Add to meta-webos-ports for fixes & upgrade glib-2.0: Rename bbappend to match new version from oe-core; update 0001-gdbus-codegen-replace-plus-also-with-underscore.patch to apply on 2.58.0 version; update patch to apply on 2.54.2 version; add work around for broken ld-2.29.so when gold is used; drop bbappend; export LDFLAGS glm: use version from meta-oe glmark2: disable wayland-gles2 GnuTLS: Fix missing system trust gstreamer1.0-plugins-base: disable egl gtest: don’t rdepend on ${PN} from ${PN}-dev; export LDFLAGS hammerhead kernel: delay wifi init hammerhead, mako, tenderloin: Use Halium image built with Ports repos; use WOP builds of Halium hammerhead, mako: Add NFC as machine feature hammerhead.conf: use initramfs-scripts-halium hammerhead: temporarily disable gobject introspection https-everywhere: Update to latest from upstream hunspell-dictionaries: Update to latest from upstream; use backported recipe icyque: Add recipe Ignore generated pycache directory iio-sensor-proxy: introduce recipe imaccountvalidator, activitymanager, db8, filecache, sleepd, luna-service2: Bump SRCREV imaccountvalidator, imlibpurpleservice: Add icyque plugin imlibpurpleservice, org.webosports.service.messaging, webos-telephonyd, app-services, core-apps, nodejs-module-webos-sysbus: Bump SRCREV Include android-kernel-bootimg for each MACHINE that needs it Initial work for webOS OSE migration initramfs-android-image: make it possible to add content; make sure that ANDROID_EXTRA_INITRAMFS_IMAGE_INSTALL is expanded initramfs-android-recovery-tissot: skip file-rdeps QA as well initramfs-boot-android: cosmetics; disable busybox extreme symlink checks; fix image identification for rootfs on partition; import Fix-userdata-mount-options.patch from meta-hp; init.sh: be less verbose for initial user data copy; mount /dev/pts for cases when enable_adb is used; put .firstboot_done in a rw folder; reset uevent_help when stopping mdev; split halium and generic version; use mdev instead of udev initramfs-boot-android: fix tenderloin’s boot; Move initrd RDEPENDS from ANDROID_EXTRA_INITRAMFS_IMAGE_INSTALL to initramfs-boot-android recipe; put .firstboot_done in a rw folder; split halium and generic version; tenderloin: mount /boot as ro; tenderloin: use correct folder for media data initramfs-scripts-android: improve init scripts; switch from RNDIS to CDC-ECM initramfs-scripts-halium: move Fix-userdata-mount-options.patch to the right directory; specify needs through RDEPENDS initrdscripts: fix tenderloin initial data (wallpaper) jemalloc: Switch to OSE repo kernel.bbclass: drop backported bbclass; remove backported bbclass; import from oe-core/pyro and backport one fix from oe-core/rocko kernel: tenderloin, mako, hammerhead, onyx bump SRCREV for GCC8 kernel_android, android-kernel-bootimg: use pkg_postinst_ontarget kernel_android.bbclass: fix path to the KERNEL_DEVICETREE; use ${KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME}-image instead of kernel-image kernel_android: update for new KERNEL_* variables from oe-core; use the bbclass again keymanager: bump SRCREV kf5bluezqt-mer: set QT.BluezQt.module to fix compatibility with Qt 5.12 layer.conf: Update to warrior release name series leveldb: move bbappend to the matching directory leveldb-tl: downgrade to gcc-4.7 branch; provide native version libbson: Bump to latest upstream release libcamera: introduce recipe libdrm: add vboxvideo to tested modules; update the patch to apply for 2.4.96 libglibutil: fix LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM libhybris, wayland: use wayland-egl from libhybris again libhybris: bump SRCREV and resolve the review comments; fix build with glibc-2.26; fix mido build flags; fix tenderloin build flags; provide also virtual/mesa and set PREFERRED_PROVIDER for all android devices; refresh patch; remove the already applied patch from SRC_URI; restrict COMPATIBLE_MACHINE to halium MACHINEs; use older SRCREV for tenderloin; don’t install wayland-egl; drop SRCREV libpalmsocket: fix build with openssl-1.1.1 libpbnjson: restore PV and OECMAKE_GENERATOR fix libpng: Bump to 1.6.37 librolegen: Add DEPENDS; Switch to OSE version + patches libsandbox: Migrate from OWO to OSE libsensmon: blacklist due to newer vala incompatibility libshr-glib: blacklist because of random failures libvpx: enable thumb to work around issue with -halium appended to TUNE_PKGARCH linunx-lg-mako: bump SRCREV linux-: don’t use ANDROID_BOOTIMG_CMDLINE for built-in kernel cmdline linux-{oneplus-onyx,lg-mako}: fix branch parameter linux-hp-tenderloin: bump SRCREV; use a 3.4 kernel linux-lg-{mako,hammerhead},linux-hp-tenderloin: backport 2 changes to fix build with gcc8 linux-lg-hammerhead: bump SRCREV; fix some minor defconfig values linux-lg-mako: send patches upstream and bump SRCREV; switch to old ubp-5.1 branch with just 1 fix for gcc-8 from cm-14.1 branch linux-oneplus-onyx: switch to old cm-14.1-los branch with just 1 fix for gcc-8 from luneos/cm-14.1-wip branch linux-xiaomi-rosy: bump SRCREV linux-xiaomi-tissot: bump SRCREV linux-yocto: add own defconfig; backport 5.0 from master and switch from linux-yocto-dev; drop backported fixes for compatibility with older Yocto; enable few more drm drivers; squashfs: add squash kernel module for anbox; use own virtio.cfg and reinclude kernel-module-virtio-gpu as a module linux-yocto-dev: add bbappend also for -dev version; enable vboxguest in the kernel and blacklist vboxguestdrivers again lsb: rename bbappend to match any version luna-applauncher: JustType: use a relative margin for main field (got broken after Qt 5.12.5 upgrade) luna-appmanager: Bump SRCREV; fix LS2 for webOS-OSE luna-downloadmgr, applicationinstallerutility: Add recipes luna-downloadmgr: Drop MACHINE specific configuration luna-next: Bump SRCREV; LS2 fix for webOS-OSE luna-next-cardshell: bump SRCREV; merge webosose branch to master luna-next-conf: fix possible conflict between evdevtouch and evdevkeyboard; fix VBoxTouch parameters for qemu; rosy: give input devices to evdevkeyboard; update VBoxTouch params and enable input and cursor; use drm+eglfs_kms for qemux86 luna-prefs-data.bb: Fix Lune OS name to LuneOS luna-qml-launcher: fix LS2 for webOS-OSE luna-service2: bump SRCREV; re-enable default LS2 security policy; remove webos_machine_impl_dep inherit imported from OSE luna-service2-security-conf: Switch to own fork luna-sysmgr: explicitely put RDEPENDS on powerd; Fix branch; fix LS2 for webOS-OSE luna-sysmgr-common: Bump SRCREV luna-sysmgr-conf, nyx-conf, nyx-modules, luna-next-conf: add support for raspberrypi4(-64) luna-sysservice, nodejs-module-webos-sysbus, nyx-utils, luna-service2, nyx-lib, pmloglib, pmloglib-private: Bump SRCREV luna-sysservice: Add back dropped PV; bump SRCREV; fix LS2 for webOS-OSE luna-systemui: Bump SRCREV luna-webappmanager: bump SRCREV; fix LS2 for webOS-OSE luneos.inc: drop kernel-module-virtio-gpu; enable image-buildinfo; exclude DATETIME from IMAGE_NAME, KERNEL_IMAGE_BASE_NAME, MODULE_IMAGE_BASE_NAME vardeps; include all default WARN_QA in ERROR_QA; replace uvesafb with vboxvideo; set WEBOS_TARGET_MACHINE_IMPL only in webos_machine_impl_dep; simplify PREMIRROR configuration; use linux-yocto-dev also for qemux86-64; use new oe-core variable IMAGE_VERSION_SUFFIX luneos: add rpi-sdimg.gz IMAGE_FSTYPE; reinclude luneos-recipe-blacklist-world.inc and update it for Yocto 2.7 Warrior; use linux-yocto-dev for qemux86 luneos_image.bbclass: remove the webos_swap_hook function luneos-{package,emulator-appliance}.inc: remove extra dash in filenames luneos-components: bump SRCREV and switch to qt-5.12 branch luneos-dev-image, luneui-example-image: drop mesa luneos-dev-image: add libdrm-tests; add more packages for testing luneos-emulator.ovf: move to qemux86 subdirectory and restrict to qemux86; refresh to ovf-2.0 format with VirtualBox-6.0.8; update OSType for qemux86-64 luneos-emulator-appliance.inc: include ${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX} in source VMDK filename; use pigz-native instead of zip-native; switch from default VBoxVGA to VBoxSVGA luneos-image: add WKS with syslinux config file without serial luneos-package.inc: bump android-update-package SRCREV; fix SRCREV; include ${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX} in source rootfs filename; work around tar being killed by OOMK; work around tar being killed by OOMK even harder luneos-preferred-providers.inc: remove VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_bash; use busybox as a provider for bash and stat luneos-preferred-versions.inc: downgrade gcc from default 8 to 7 luneos-recipe-blacklist-world.inc: blacklist remmina; use weak assignment luneui-example: add emulator-appliance and android package images luneui-example-image, packagegroup-luneos-extended: add Anbox for qemux86-64 luneui-example-image,luneos-dev-image: include glmark2 only for qemuall lxc: ignore stringop-overflow= errors with gcc8 make, hammerhead, tenderloin: use mesa-gl as virtual/mesa provider; use kernel sources from shr-distribution/linux.git and fix build with gcc-7; use our Halium image mako, hammerhead: Use upstream kernels which now have our patches included mako: Fix the kernel build maliit-framework-qt5: set QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland mediaindexer: Bump SRCREV; Switch back to master branch mesa: backport 19.0.5 and mesa-demos 8.4.0 from oe-core; drop backported PROVIDES; enable gallium only for target builds; update old recipe; use latest mesa from oe-core mesa-gl: remove ${includedir}/KHR/khrplatform.h when using libhybris meson: override 0003_native-bindir patch with a fixed version; drop backported fix, now in oe-core revision we’re using messaging-accounts: Bump SRCREV meta-: add LAYERSERIES_COMPAT to layer.conf files meta-: add LAYERSERIES_COMPAT to layer.conf files; set PREFERRED_PROVIDER for libgl and libgbm for all android devices meta-{asus,hp,huawei,lg,motorola,oneplus,xiaomi}: remove fstab overload meta-acer, meta-asus, meta-aurora, meta-fso, meta-geeksphone, meta-htc, meta-nokia meta-openmoko, meta-osmocombb, meta-palm, meta-samsung, meta-shr-distro, meta-shr: Remove unsupported layers meta-android, meta-hp: respect IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX variable meta-android: add FREESMARTPHONE_GIT; initramfs-android-recovery: add inc; remove leftover from android-tools removal; use separate PACKAGE_DIR for Halium-based packages meta-android-halium.inc: add halium OVERRIDE; blacklist virglrenderer, cogl-1.0, clutter-1.0, mx-1.0, clutter-gst-3.0, clutter-gtk-1.0 meta-hp: initramfs-boot-android: move Fix-userdata-mount-options.patch to meta-webos-ports; migrate tenderloin to use Halium’s init meta-luneos-backports-2.8: add layer for backports from Yocto 2.8 Zeus; Add pidgin 2.13 meta-motorola: Athene, use our own fork for now.; Fixes for athene target to make build work; Initial work for athene target meta-oneplus: Fixes for onyx target to make build work; Initial work on layer; linux-oneplus-onyx: Use herrie82 branch pending upstream merge; Update kernel for onyx (OnePlus X) meta-qt5-compat: remove meta-shr, meta-fso: remove blacklisted recipes meta-smartphone: Add meta-huawei layer with Angler target; udev-extraconf: Uniform naming scheme for device udev rules and update udev rules meta-webos-ports: Add pinephone machine meta-xiaomi: add initial support for rosy (Redmi 5); Further updates to make things work; Get image for Tissot building; Initial work for Xiaomi A1 (tissot); Initial work on layer; linux-xiaomi-mido: Fix incorrect RAM_BASE addresses; Mido enable WLAN as module; mido fix persist partition number in fstab; mido use correct wlan module name; rosy minor fixes; tissot: add initramfs-android-recovery; tissot: enable permissive SELinux; tissot: ignore other parameters from bootloader; tissot: switch to cm-14.1 kernel to fix wifi Migrate LuneOS targeted machines to using android-kernel-image mmsd: Bump SRCREV mobile-broadband-provider-info: Bump SRCREV module-base.bbclass: import from oe-core/pyro and backport the fix to support newer kernels; refresh from rocko module-base: remove backported bbclass mojo: Switch to webOS-ports/webOS-OSE branches mojomail, pmcertificatemgr: bump SRCREV mojoservicelauncher: bump SRCREV; temporary drop nodejs-module-webos-dynaload and nodejs-module-webos-sysbus mpeg2dec: ignore textrel QA issue in libmpeg2 mtp-server: bump SRCREV; fix build with glog-0.3.5 nemo-qml-plugin-dbus: Bump to latest from upstream node-gyp-native: upgrade to 4.0.0+git; fix branch parameter nodejs-enyo-dev-native: Bump SRCREV nodejs-module-webos-{dynaload,sysbus}: bump SRCREV nodejs-module-webos-dynaload: Move to OSE version nodejs-module-webos-pmlog: Add fix from upstream OSE nodejs-module-webos-service: Add recipe from OSE nodejs-module-webos-sysbus: Bump SRCREV; Fix installation of role files.; Fix work directory; Migrate to webOS OSE version; restore old security schema novacomd: Remove upstart init script; Switch to OSE version ntp: Add an empty ntp-kod file numptyphysics: fix file-rdeps QA nyx-conf: add pinephone power key config nyx-modules, nyx-conf: Fix pinephone setup nyx-modules: bump SRCREV; Changes for new nyx modules from OSE;’disable security and security2 modules and return to the image; fix build for tenderloin; fix rosy’s cmake; fixes for webOS-OSE rebase; qemux86(-64) update copyright and specify modules to build; reintroduce nyx-modules-hybris for Halium based targets; toro & toroplus: Update copyright & hybris modules; Update copyright nyx-modules-hybris: bump SRCREV for nyx-lib compatibility fixes ofono: Drop patches that are no longer used.; Update to latest from Mer; use more recent version omhacks: blacklist openssl: update openssl.cnf u-a configuration openssl, gtest, leveldb: drop EXTENDPRAUTO openssl10: remove the bbappend and blacklist instead opkg: Rename bbappend to match new version from oe-core packagegroup: temoporary drop certmgrd, pmcertificatemgr, mojomail-imap, mojomail-pop, mojomail-smtp, nyx-modules packagegroup-luneos-extended: add messwerk app; Drop downloadmanager in favor of luna-downloadmgr; include DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS to install necessary kernel modules; include rng-tools for qemu*; re-enable nyx-modules-hybris; replace wireless-tools with iw; Add event-monitor & event-monitor-network PATCH] athene, mido, onyx: Fix display size and add ANDROID_HEADERS_DEFINES pdm & pdm-plugin: Add various bits to build & include in images. phonesim: Bump to 1.21 pidgin, leveldb-tl, extra-cmake-modules, pmloglib-private: don’t rdepend on ${PN} from ${PN}-dev pidgin: Make bbappend version independent; remove the backported recipes; update purple-OE-branding-25.patch to apply cleanly; Update to 2.13; use backported recipes pidgin-sipe: Update to latest release from upstream pmloglib: Add back PV pmloglib-private: Add back PV powerstat: Update to latest upstream properties-cpp: add sha265sum, fix runtime dependencies pulseaudio: rename bbappend to apply on new version from oe-core; update patches to apply on 11.1 version pulseaudio-modules-droid: adapt folders for PulseAudio 11.1; bump SRCREV for 12.2 compatibility; update PULSEAUDIO_VERSION to 12.2 purple-skypeweb: Update to latest release from upstream python-tz: Bump to 2019.1 qemu: don’t enable spice for target; drop virglrenderer from target qemu as well; enable sdl and virtfs as well; enable virglrenderer spice libusb usb-redir gtk+ qemux86: use wic.vmdk qt5: refresh the patches for 5.12.3 version qt5-plugin-generic-vboxtouch: bump SRCREV; switch to new version from Tofee qt5-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin: bump SRCREV and fix build; fix compatibility with qtbase 5.12; remove unneeded patch qtbase: allow to easily select different QPA; update PACKAGECONFIG xkbcommon-evdev -> xkbcommon qtlocation-luneos-plugin: replace qtlocation patch; Update plugins dir and PV qtvideo-node, org.webosports.app.camera: fix PV qtwayland: don’t use wayland-brcm; drop drm-egl-server and libhybris-egl-server PACKAGECONFIGs; fix QWaylandShellPrivate inheritance; Fix window properties; refresh patches for 5.12; fix the last patch filename in SRC_URI; update patches for 5.12.5 qtwebengine: enable wayland-brcm for rpi, drm-egl-server for qemuall and libhybris-egl-server for the rest; fix 0001-WebContents-provide-additional-features-from-window..patch; fix patch directory; fix Sync call patch; refresh patches for 5.12; refresh patches for 5.12.5 raspberrypi4-64: fix TUNE_PKGARCH_64 rdxd: Drop stub and add the real thing.; Add missing PROVIDES README: update to depend on master branches Remove AOL & ICQ protocol plugins Revert \”hammerhead: temporarily disable gobject introspection\” Revert \”meta-hp: initramfs-boot-android: move Fix-userdata-mount-options.patch to meta-webos-ports\” SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS: drop ubuntu-16.04 sdl2-opengles-test: build only sdl2_opengles2_test for all rpi MACHINEs; Fix typo in license file.; Switch to new repo and update to latest version sensorfw: bump SRCREV and make it more generic; fix orientation matrix for pinephone serviceinstaller: Switch to OSE version + our patch shadow-sysroot: rename bbappend to match new version sleepd: add powerd as RDEPENDS snappy: import from OSE and add as a dependency to leveldb; use newer 1.1.7 version from meta-oe storaged: Add PV Switch from branch= to WEBOS_GIT_PARAM_BRANCH systemd: disable networkd and resolved.; fix boot for old kernels; fix build without resolved; rebase patches to apply on 237 version; rebase patches to apply on 241; update Disable-ProtectHome-and-ProtectSystem-for-old-kernel.patch to apply on 239 version; Update mmc patch; update persistent-storage-rule-mmc-partname.patch to apply on 234 version systemd-conf: disable key handling in logind.conf systemd-machine-units: regroup xiaomi identical service files; fix bluetooth for hammerhead; fix bluetooth for mako; mido: fix Bluetooth; rosy: fix Bluetooth; rosy: fix wlan module loading; tissot: fix Bluetooth systemd-serialgetty: disable SERIAL_CONSOLES on LuneOS’s qemu; drop weird bbappend tzdata: rename bbappend to apply on renamed recipe ubx-utils: fix file-rdeps QA udev-extraconf: override automount.rules with empty rules file; tissot, rosy: add touchscreen0 rule unused: remove long unused recipes and bbclasses uriparser: Upgrade to 0.9.3 Various components: Move back to webOS-ports fork Various fixes for systemd vboxguestdrivers: backport 5.2.22 from meta-oe; unblacklist but install only vboxguest and vboxsf modules VoiceCall: Bump SRCREV & drop patch; Bump version to latest from upstream and refresh patches; Drop patches since our changes are merged upstream; fix DEVICELOCK handling wayland: limit do_install_append only for target webos_{lttng,pmlog_config}.bbclass: move to the right layer webos_configure_manifest.bbclass, webos_system_bus.bbclass: replace some warnings with notes webos_configure_manifest.bbclass: move to the right layer webos_nyx_module_provider.bbclass: enable NYXMOD_OW_MSMMTP by default webos_test_provider.bbclass: move to meta-luneui webos-connman-adapter: bump SRCREV webos-initscripts, org.webosports.cdav, app-services, bootd, com.webos.service.pdm, db8, enyo-1.0, mojoservice-framework, mojomail: Bump SRCREV webos-initscripts.bb: Fix inherit webos-initscripts: don’t include systemd-machine-units in sstate signature; fix startup sequence for webOS-OSE; Fix whitespace issues webos-keyboard: fix LS2 for webOS-OSE; Bump SRCREV wifi-module-load: fix sleep call in systemd service luneos-components: Update Qt version to 5.12.5; Add stub for ieee8021x wifi network The usual
      2. and
      Download and Install
      Feel free to to get started. Tenderloin, Hammerhead and Tissot remain our focus for now, but the emulators, Mako and Mido work too.
      Please note that in order to use the latest stable builds Nexus 4 (Mako) and Nexus 5 (Hammerhead) you need to flash the CM 12.1 images first using CWM/TWRP. In order to do so, you might be required to do a “factory reset” or at least “wipe cache”. CWM/TWRP will indicate when this is needed. After successfully flashing CM 12.1, make sure to boot it at least once before going back to CWM/TWRP to flash the latest LuneOS image! We have provided links to CM 12.1 for these 3 images on our device pages below.
      Installation instructions for ,  and are on the . And remember we .
      Don’t forget to contact us with any questions and feel free to . Catch us on Twitter on IRC: Freenode:#webos-ports or email [email protected].
      We will see you shortly again with a new release!

      Related posts:

    • By pivotCE
      The very long wait is over #LuneOS and #webOS fans! We’re finally back with a new release called “Doppio” which we believe will be a milestone in terms of developments and the way forward!
      So you’re wondering what we’ve been up to for the past year?

      Well, actually a whole lot to be honest! We have upgraded the bluetooth stack from BlueZ4 to BlueZ5 which required quite some work to the kernels. This has been successfully completed for the Nexus 4 (Mako) and Nexus 5 (Hammerhead); unfortunately to date we haven’t been able to get this to work on the Touchpad (4G) (Tenderloin).
      We have been working closely together with the Halium project and have made further integrations between LuneOS and Halium reducing duplication between the projects and using a single source where possible. This all to be more easily integrated, and to facilitate ports to newer devices. We have upstreamed our kernel patches (mainly to fix GCC 5/6/7/8 compatibility) to Halium so we can use a shared kernel for our targets.
      Talking about new devices we’ve been working on: Since Google dropped the (budget) Nexus line and launched the (premium) Pixel line, we’ve been looking for other targets that are easily available, budget friendly and have good community support. We quickly ended up with Xiaomi which makes phones with decent specs, unlockable bootloader (the process is a bit tedious, but it’s do-able) and the phones give very good value for money.
      This has resulted in us independently working on 3 different Xiaomi devices being the RedMi Note 4x (Mido), RedMi 5 (Rosy) and Mi A1 (Tissot).  These are all Aarch64 devices using the Snapdragon 625 chipset. We didn’t have any Aarch64 devices before and also they are based upon Halium 7.1 (Android 7.1) while all our previous targets were based upon Halium 5.1 (Android 5.1), so this brought a whole bunch of new challenges. There are still a few rough edges, but audio, sensors, wifi and bluetooth are now working. There was also quite some porting work done for some of the other Halium supported targets such as the OnePlus X (onyx), Google/Huawei Nexus 6P (angler) and Motorola G4 (athene). These are currently in various stages of development, whereby OnePlus X is the most mature.
      The Xiaomi Mi A1 is a strategic device for us which we chose in cooperation with LG to work on to get LuneOS working and also as a target for LG’s webOS OSE (Open Source Edition).

      link hidden, please login to view came as a surprise to us, however it has great potential. Though the initial release of webOS OSE was very limited and therefore limited use case for people not being very familiar with webOS, it does offer a lot of potential for us. webOS OSE is basically 5 years of development of the core webOS bits since Open webOS was released. It has been deployed in millions of LG TV’s since and offers great improvements in terms of reliability and functionality. The big downside however is that there’s no record of the changes between Open webOS and webOS OSE, so this is making the migration a bit more challenging. Early June the LuneOS team met with LG in Paris to discuss collaboration between our teams. As a result of this we have chosen the Xiaomi A1 as a device to port LuneOS to. This is now at a level similar to our other targets.
      After this release we will therefore focus on migrating our Open webOS components to the updated components provided by webOS OSE. This will bring quite some challenges and hurdles along the way, however we’re positive that we can complete this migration and it will bring a lot of improvements in terms of code quality, stability, functionality and reducing the need for maintaining a lot of these components ourselves since we can share a common codebase with LG’s webOS OSE going forward.
      LG has a very clear vision in mind for webOS. Since the initial release in March, a and

      The following items on our to-do list will be where we focus next:
      Migration of Open webOS components to the newer webOS OSE components. Make the VirtualBox image work with a newer MESA. Migrate to Yocto Sumo/Thud release. Messaging improvements. Camera improvements. Fix known issues on the various targets. Bring back official support for Touchpad 4G (current build works on Touchpad 4G but only WiFi). Known issues:
      Node-SQLite3 is currently not working. Components using Node-SQLite3 have switched to an alternative storage method for now. Focus bug on input fields. You can work around this by hiding the virtual keyboard and pressing the input again. Random issue with virtual keyboard not showing on Aarch64 devices. Changelog
      Settings: Add QML variant, enable manual time and date in Setings. org.webosports.cdav: Add CLEANBROKEN User Interface:
      luna-{sysmgr,sysmgr-common,appmanager,next}, mediaindexer: fix build with Qt 5.11. luna-{webappmanager,qml-launcher} org.webosports.app.{browser,firstuse}: fix build with Qt 5.11. luna-next-cardshell: add runtime dependency on qtmultimedia-qmlplugins, luneos-components. luneos-components: drop build time dependency on qtwebengine, switch to Mer’s bluezqt System Level:
      luna-next: Add config for onyx, Add QT_OPENGL_NO_BGRA and remove QT_ENABLE_GLYPH_CACHE_WORKAROUND android-gadget-setup: fix functionfs test android-tools: fix compatibility with adb 5.1.1 android-tools-conf: Fix the machine check, Don’t patch script for tenderloin base-files: provide a common fstab for all LuneOS devices bluez: switch from bluez4 to bluez5 bluez5: Fix patch so it will work for RaspberryPi3, make firmware search case insensitive connman: Add connman-tools, connman-tests and connman-wait-online, Update to 1.35 distro: luneos: switch release name to Doppio environment.conf: Add QT_ENABLE_GLYPH_CACHE_WORKAROUND=1 fingerterm: Update to upstream and drop patch, use LiberationMono font funyahoo-plusplus: Bump SRCREV https-everywhere: Bump SRCREV hunspell-dictionaries: Update to latest version imaccountvalidator, imlibpurpleservice: Drop unsupported protocols initramfs-boot-android: add A/B partition support, boot into built-in recovery when no skip_initramfs, get Halium’s init script from GitHub, improve panic scenario in init.sh, use /userdata instead of /android/userdata, Various fixes to init.sh kf5bluezqt-mer: fix package content with empty QT_DIR_NAME libconnman-qt5: fix initial value of “connected” property libhybris, qtbase: don’t use += together with _append libhybris: Bump SRCREV, Set –enable-arch=arm64 for aarch64, Drop –with-default-hybris-ld-library-path and bump SRCREV libpbnjson: use Unix Makefils OECMAKE_GENERATOR lsb: fix luneos-version content luna-(web)appmanager: use /etc/luna-next/qtwebengine.conf luna-init, luna-sysmgr: Bump SRCREV and adjust file installs luna-init: Fix incorrect {, Install CustomerCareNumber.txt and cust-preferences.txt luna-prefs-data: Bump PV to be in sync with luna-prefs luna-sysmgr: Cleanup recipe luna-sysmgr-conf, nyx-modules: fix rosy values, Add initial files for athene and onyx target, Cleanup recipe and fixup defaultPreferences-platform.txt luna-universalsearchmgr: inherit webos_systemd luna-webappmanager: bump SRCREV luneos.inc, connman: Build & deploy VPN plugins luneos: inherit remove-libtool luneos: update SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS luneos-dev-image: tell Halium to mount rootfs rw luneos-emulator-appliance: update a bit luneos-features, connman: Add support for NFC using neard luneui-example-image: add few more packages, add more packages for testing, add vboxguestdrivers, v86d, add very small (fast to build) test image maliit-framework-qt5: set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR in conf file meta*: enable gbm meta-webos-ports: Add configuration files for Tissot, Update classes with info from webOS OSE mido, tissot: Fix path for CHARGER_AC_SYSFS_PATH mido: Initial configuration files mobile-broadband-provider-info: Bump SRCREV mojomail: bump SRCREV to fix build with boost-1.67.0, Switch back to webOS-ports/master branch nemo-qml-plugin-dbus: Update to latest version from upstream, fix package content with empty QT_DIR_NAME node-sqlite3: Bump version nyx-conf: do not let keys module watch over the touchpanel nyx-modules: Fix devices names in cmake files ofono: Update to latest version from upstream and enable Python 3 tests onyx: Enable power button packagegroup-luneos-development: include QML settings app packagegroup-luneos-extended: add android-kernel-bootimg, Add qtconnectivity, Add WIP targets and more documentation, Build bluez5 for all targets, include libpci for qemux86, move android-kernel-bootimg phonesim: Fix build with empty QT_DIR_NAME, refresh patches with devtool, update to latest revision from git pidgin-sipe: backport a patch to fix build with gcc8 pulseaudio-distro-conf: Add support for Xiaomi A1 (tissot), Add webos-system.pa for mido target pulseaudio-modules-droid: bump to 10.0.73, refresh patches with devtool, remove tenderloin CFLAGS purple-skypeweb: Bump SRCREV python-tz-native: Update to 2017.2, Fix typo in SRC_URI qt5: upgrade to 5.11, upgrade to 5.11.1 qt5-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin: fix package content with empty QT_DIR_NAME, hwcomposer_backend.h: Fix cast from ‘void*’ to ‘unsigned int’, remove tenderloin CFLAGS qtbase: Add patch to fix quirks with newer Adreno GPU’s, refresh patches, remove TLS patch on Halium 7.1 targets, temporary fix for SIGBUS crash on Android devices qtlocation: refresh patch qtscenegraph-adaptation: Bump SRCREV qtsensors-sensorfw-plugin: fix build with empty QT_DIR_NAME qtvideo-node: fix package content with empty QT_DIR_NAME qtwayland: add qwayland-server-surface-extension.h, wayland-surface-extension-server-protocol.h to sync.profile, bring QWaylandExtendedSurface back for luna-next, drop patch applied in 5.9.3, refresh patches for 5.11.2 qtwebengine: add libpci to RDEPENDS, Drop patch for libEGL and libGLES2, fix filename in SRC_URI, Fix patch for additionalFeatures, refresh patches, Remove PalmServiceBridge, replace EXTRA_QMAKEVARS_CONFIGURE with PACKAGECONFIG, squash a few of chromium patches for easier maintenance recipes: drop unnecessary FILES_${PN}-dbg variables, use oe.utils.conditional instead of deprecated base_conditional sensorfw: Bump SRCREV and drop patches now merged upstream voicecall: Update to latest version from upstream webos-systemd-services: Drop installation of luna universalsearchmgr.service android-headers: Add headers for Halium-7.1, common recipe for Halium-5.1 headers, make it possible to tweak android-config.h per machine, Use Halium Headers android-headers-halium: set preferred version android-headers-tenderloin: fix patches to match Halium’s android-kernel-bootimg: dedicated recipe for creating boot.img, minimal support for A/B partitions android-system: Add missing groups, also mount /persist when it exists, cleanup old hal-hybris overlay code, don’t manage ramdisk unpacking, fix lifecycle of lxc container, Remove installation of non-existing files, simplify usage of Halium, start sensorfwd after android container, use pre-start.sh from Halium, wait a bit for the sensors to be ready android-system-image: use system.img directly, Change wop into luneos, convert the sparse image if needed, create /userdata, Update halium bits to halium version numbers base-files: use system.img directly android-tools: remove, since now in meta-oe base-files,android-system: Android partitions are now mounted by Halium’s initrd base-files: add /system/lib64 in LD_LIBRARY_PATH hammerhead, mako: Add NFC as machine feature
      Include android-kernel-bootimg for each MACHINE that needs it initramfs-android-image: make it possible to add content libhybris: provide also virtual/mesa and set PREFERRED_PROVIDER for all android devices linux-lg-{mako,hammerhead},linux-hp-tenderloin: backport 2 changes to fix build with gcc8 mako, hammerhead: Use upstream kernels which now have our patches included mako: Fix the kernel build meta-*: set PREFERRED_PROVIDER for libgl and libgbm for all android devices meta-{asus,hp,huawei,lg,motorola,oneplus,xiaomi}: remove fstab overload meta-android: initramfs-android-recovery: add inc, remove leftover from android-tools removal meta-hp: migrate tenderloin to use Halium’s init meta-oneplus: Fixes for onyx target to make build work meta-smartphone: Add meta-huawei layer with Angler target, udev-extraconf: Uniform naming scheme for device udev rules and update udev rules meta-xiaomi: add initial support for rosy (Redmi 5), Get image for Tissot building, Initial work for Xiaomi A1 (tissot), mido fix persist partition number in fstab, mido use correct wlan module name, tissot: add initramfs-android-recovery, tissot: enable permissive SELinux, tissot: ignore other parameters from bootloader, tissot: switch to cm-14.1 kernel to fix wifi Migrate LuneOS targeted machines to using android-kernel-image systemd-machine-units: fix bluetooth for hammerhead, fix bluetooth for mako The usual
      2. and
      Download and Install
      Feel free to to get started. Tenderloin, Mako, Hammerhead and Tissot remain our focus for now, but the emulator, Mido & Rosy work too.
      Please note that in order to use the latest stable builds Nexus 4 (Mako) and Nexus 5 (Hammerhead) you need to flash the CM 12.1 images first using CWM/TWRP. In order to do so, you might be required to do a “factory reset” or at least “wipe cache”. CWM/TWRP will indicate when this is needed. After successfully flashing CM 12.1, make sure to boot it at least once before going back to CWM/TWRP to flash the latest LuneOS image! We have provided links to CM 12.1 for these 3 images on our device pages below.
      Installation instructions for ,  and are on the . And remember we .
      Don’t forget to contact us with any questions and feel free to . Catch us on Twitter on IRC: Freenode:#webos-ports or email [email protected].
      We will see you shortly again with a new release!
      Picture Credit: . Cropped & flipped. Text added.
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