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Imagine a home where the facial recognition-equipped front door automatically opens to welcome you inside, followed by an air shower that blows away germs and viruses from the outside world that may have settled on your skin, hair or clothing. As you enter each room, your presence is detected and the lighting and temperature intelligently adjusted to your preferences. You can even open the curtains to take in the view beyond your window with a simple voice command from across the room via AI speakers.

Behold, the home of the future. And thanks to LG Electronics’ innovative solutions, the smart home of the future is a reality in the LG ThinQ Home in a suburb of Seoul here in South Korea.


The integrated one-step solutions that are employed throughout LG ThinQ Home are a key element of our Business Solutions Company, which develops unique All for One solutions that bring together a broad range of products and services from LG and partners via LG’s integrated home gateway for the sole benefit of the client – the one in the company’s All for One philosophy. LG’s integrated solutions are able to meet several different needs simultaneously and through the application of intelligent technologies, we’re also able to learn from the client to continuously improve their quality of life.

Customer value is derived from our ability to seamlessly integrate complex and diverse products, systems and technologies into a cohesive whole, delivering a completely new, more convenient user experience. Through this integration, residents in an LG-equipped home can enjoy convenient control of various functions such as the security system and outdoor cameras as well as LG’s ThinQ-enabled home appliances via the ThinQ app, again available through LG’s integrated home gateway.


As demonstrated throughout LG ThinQ Home is LG’s commitment to sustainability and application of sophisticated smart solutions to enhance energy efficiency. LG not only develops products that minimize energy consumption, we also provide solutions to collect and store renewable energy from sources such as sunlight. This allows us to seamlessly weave together a variety of environment friendly products and systems to reduce a home’s energy footprint and monthly utility bills.


Designed around the three core values of security, convenience and entertainment and brought to life by LG’s comprehensive solutions, LG ThinQ Home presents an altogether more satisfying and streamlined vision of modern home life. Because security is such an important part of home safety, LG’s facial recognition system makes sure that only authorized persons can gain access. Automated systems take care of a significant amount of home and appliance management, creating more time and energy to enjoy the entertainment provided by our latest smart TVs and audio products.


Such enjoyment is enhanced by the fact that personalized settings travel with each family member as he or she moves from one room to another. In LG ThinQ Home, 12 advanced and strategically placed detectors can identify individuals by their body dimensions and adjust the settings of a room, such as the air conditioner or lighting, to create the most personal of spaces.

Looking ahead, LG ThinQ Home will eventually be able to “read” a person’s mood through smart wearable devices and recommend the most appropriate content to watch on an LG TV or the best music to play on LG smart speakers or soundbars. Audio and video content can also be enjoyed on any of the five smart mirrors installed throughout the LG ThinQ Home. As family members go about their morning routines in the bathroom or kitchen, they can catch up on the latest news and sports highlights or listen to their favorite tunes.


In addition to making the home a better place, LG’s B2B Solutions Business Division is also focusing on providing innovative products for the healthcare sector. As one of the pillars of the company, the hospital solutions business is expected to be a significant growth engine in the current rapidly aging population. The goal of the business is to provide a variety of solutions, such as professional healthcare and non-face-to-face telemedicine care, so that medical services can center on prevention rather than the existing diagnosis and treatment approach to enhance the quality of senior care.


Our innovative medical imaging solutions are optimized for various medical settings with professional monitors enhanced for clinical review, diagnosis and surgery as well as digital X-ray detectors. And LG’s holistic system solutions for hospitals such as ventilations and energy management help maintain a pleasant environment for even safer patient care.

As LG ThinQ Home demonstrates, the integrated intelligent home isn’t years or decades away, it’s here now and LG’s growing portfolio of solutions is already capable of making the daily lives more comfortable, efficient and safe so we can deliver on the promise of a better life today.

By Silas Choi, Head of B2B Solution Business Division

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    • By News Reporter
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      and Advance B2B, Platform-Based and Emerging Ventures

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      * Amounts in Korean won (KRW) are translated into U.S. dollars (USD) at the average rate for the six-month period of the year 2024 — KRW 1,349.55 per USD.

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      For the seventh consecutive year, LG served as the exclusive technology partner of CASACOR SP, the Americas’ leading cultural platform for architecture, landscaping, art and interior design. The 37th edition of CASACOR was held in São Paulo, where LG showcased an impressive array of 180 products across 45 inspiring spaces. Reaching record attendance with an estimated 128,000 visitors, CASCOR 2024 was hosted in one of the most important architectural landmarks in the city. Designed 63 years ago by architect David Libeskind, the venue features more than 10,000 square meters of built area.

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      The living room featured LG OLED M3, the world’s first-ever wireless TV. This stunning 97-inch TV comes with the Zero Connect Box, which wirelessly transmits video and audio signals at 4K 120Hz via a fast Wi-Fi connection. The M3 also boasts LG’s One Wall Design, allowing it to mount flush to the wall for a heightened sense of sophistication.

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      Led by chef Isabela Akkari, the cafe not only promoted healthy eating but also featured all of LG’s cutting-edge technology. This includes the Smart LG Inverter Inverse Refrigerator, one of the most economical inverse refrigerators on the market; the LG Grill NeoChef microwave, the only microwave with connectivity; and the LG InstaView Stove, which lights up the interior with just two touches.

      Open to visitors until July 28 at São Paulo’s Conjunto Nacional, Casa Ñe’é LG was a great demonstration of how LG’s innovative products can be incorporated into beautiful spaces, providing technological solutions that make daily life simpler and even more efficient.
      Contributed by LG Brazil
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    • By News Reporter
      Since CEO William Cho
      link hidden, please login to view of becoming a ‘Smart Life Solutions’ company, LG has made significant changes to various parts of its business and expanded new areas. To celebrate one year since this bold move, the company has launched an advertising campaign showcasing the remarkable progress it has made so far.
      Titled ‘Connecting Spaces and Future,’ the campaign highlights this vision and demonstrates a strong dedication to innovation, aiming to strengthen its reputation as a leading innovator across various sectors. The campaign features videos showcasing LG’s ongoing transformation into a ‘Smart Life Solutions’ company through an ever-evolving product portfolio. Starting July 27, three videos will be released focusing on its mobility solutions, air solutions and more.
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      The mobility solutions video illustrates LG’s efforts to expand home experiences onto the road and deliver unique customer experiences based on three main themes: Transformable, Explorable and Relaxable. It also features the company’s emerging electric vehicle (EV) charging business. The video on its air solutions highlights excellent HVAC technology, including chillers and heat pumps, and a commitment to innovating global solutions that enhance customers’ lives in every space, from residential to commercial.
      This event is in line with LG’s desire to showcase its innovative efforts beyond the home appliance space. By highlighting other categories and sectors it pioneers, LG aims to resonate with younger audiences and establish a youthful, dynamic brand image.

      On the first anniversary of the announcement of its ‘Smart Life Solutions’ transformation, LG is expanding its achievements across three new pillars of growth: accelerating B2B (including vehicle components and HVAC), pursuing platform-based services (subscriptions, webOS-based advertising and content, etc.) and exploring new business areas such as EV charging.

      Notably, after surpassing KRW 10 trillion in sales last year, LG’s vehicle components business carried on in the same form this year by achieving a record-high performance in the second quarter. The company’s commercial HVAC business, which is also growing rapidly, is further diversifying its business portfolio. LG is continuously leveraging its globally competitive HVAC solutions across the entire value chain, from products, technology, production and services, while actively targeting backend industries supporting AI infrastructure, such as data centers.

      Starting this year, LG launched its , integrating AI and digital transformation with the company’s manufacturing and production data. This business undertakes production consulting, develops production methods, equipment and operation systems, and trains production technology personnel. Furthermore, the company expects to secure orders worth approximately KRW 300 billion in supplying smart factory solutions to business clients. Meanwhile, the company is actively expanding its webOS-based advertising and content business from TVs to automotive infotainment, with sales set to exceed KRW 1 trillion this year.

      LG is accelerating its shift from a traditional product-centric business model to a recurring model that continuously generates revenue through intangible, non-hardware businesses such as subscriptions, content and services.
      Stay tuned to to discover LG’s vision in greater detail and get the latest updates on the company’s ongoing transformation into a Smart Life Solutions company.
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    • By News Reporter
      Company’s ‘Optimism your feed’ Playlist
      Garners 1.2 Billion Views in Just Three Weeks

      SEOUL, June 21, 2024 — LG Electronics (LG) has launched a global social media challenge to amplify its brand promise of ‘Life’s Good’ by encouraging customers worldwide to create and share moments of everyday optimism on their social media feeds. Running across TikTok and Instagram, the challenge encourages participants to foster a more positive environment on their social media feeds by posting optimistic moments and selfies featuring the “ link hidden, please login to view” gesture – a popular symbol among K-pop idols created by forming a mini heart with the index finger and thumb – using the hashtags #Lifesgood and #Optimismyourfeed.
      “LG is committed to delivering on its promise of Life’s Good. This social media challenge aims to uncover and share what Life’s Good means to our customers,” said Kim Hyo-eun, vice president and head of LG’s Brand Management Division. “We believe there is real power in approaching life with an optimistic attitude, and our Optimism your feed campaign’s social media challenge is all about embracing the opportunity to inspire more positive activities in the virtual and real world.”
      The social media challenge is part of LG’s campaign and follows the launch last month of LG’s Optimism your feed playlist – a collection of original content that, when interacted with, will pull more optimistic content into your feed. Created in collaboration with global influencers known for their positive impact, the playlist offers users the opportunity to experience more uplifting and encouraging posts. Within just three weeks of its release on TikTok, YouTube and other social media platforms, the playlist has garnered over 1.2 billion views. It has resonated with viewers worldwide, prompting comments about their eagerness to participate and positively influence their algorithms.
      The social media challenge invites users around the world to join influencers including , , , , and in spreading optimism across social media feeds. In just four days, around 21,000 users have already joined the movement to share their optimistic moments.
      Meanwhile, LG has also launched an offline campaign event called ‘Optimism your day,’ which will run till early July. Continuing from last year, a truck adorned with the company’s ‘Life’s Good’ brand slogan is scheduled to tour the 11 business sites in Korea. The truck features a large LED display that plays ‘Life’s Good’ campaign videos and showcases positivity slogans shared by LG employees worldwide. LG believes in spreading the campaign’s message of optimism to employees as well as the outside world.
      “We are all brand ambassadors of LG,” said CEO William Cho. “If each of us starts brightening our surroundings one step at a time, I believe LG will one day become a company that truly radiates positivity, helping to create better lives and a better world.”
      More details about Life’s Good campaign can be found on the campaign page at .
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